Best action movie quotes of 1995

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Movie Quote Quiz
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls picture

Ace: Tell them what I'm saying. [To Wachootoo tribe] I come in peace.
Ouda: White devil say, "I will harm you."
Ace: I couldn't help but notice that Eqinsu Ocha part. Did you just refer to me as White Devil?
Ouda: This how they know you.
Ace: Leave that part out from now on. [To tribe] I represent the princess.
Ouda: I am a princess.
Ace: War is hell. The last thing we want is a fight.
Ouda: I want to fight. So go to Hell.

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Batman Forever picture

The Riddler: Riddle me this. Riddle me that. Who's afraid of the big black bat?

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Braveheart picture

[At Sterling, when arrows rain down on the Scots.]
Stephen: The Lord tells me he can get me out of this mess, but he's pretty sure you're fucked.

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Heat picture

Neil McCauley: Roger Van Zant?
Roger Van Zant: Yeah, who's this?
Neil McCauley: You know who this is.
Roger Van Zant: Yes I do, yes I do. I sent a guy to deliver the package. He didn't call, is everything all right?
Neil McCauley: Tell you what, forget the money.
Roger Van Zant: What?
Neil McCauley: Forget the money.
Roger Van Zant:'s a lot of money. What are you doing? What do you mean, forget the money?
Neil McCauley: What am I doing? I'm talking to an empty telephone.
Roger Van Zant: I don't understand.
Neil McCauley: 'Cause there's a dead man on the other end of this fuckin' line.

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Die Hard: With a Vengeance picture

Zeus: He said, "how many were going to St. Ives, " right? The riddle begins, "As I was going to St. Ives, I met a man with seven wives!" The guy and his wives aren't going anywhere.
John McClane: What are they doing?
Zeus: Sitting in the fucking road! Waiting on the moor! How the hell should I know?

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Waterworld picture

Helen: You've been there, haven't you? Dryland? You know where it is.
Mariner: Yeah, I know where it is.
Helen: And uh, and we're going?
Mariner: You and I are. The kid we gotta pitch over the side.
Helen: What?
Mariner: My boat's tore up. I'm taking on water. [Points to filtration system.] I'd be lucky to get half a hydro ration out of that.
Helen: You know, I said I won't drink.
Mariner: For twelve days? [Helen nods.] No. It's better that one of you dies now, than both of you die slow.
Helen: Wait. Wait. We saved your life. We got you out.
Mariner: No. You got me out so you could get out. We're even.

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Hackers picture

English Teacher: Angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night.
Dade Murphy: Ginsberg.
English Teacher: Nice, very nice.

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Crimson Tide picture

Capt. Ramsey: I expect and demand your very best. Anything less, you should have joined the Air Force.

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Desperado picture

El Mariachi: Give me the strength to be what I was, and forgive me for what I am.

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Tank Girl picture

Tank Girl: You gotta think of it like...the first time you got laid. You just gotta go 'Daddy, are you sure this is right?'.

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Species picture

Xavier Fitch: We decided to make it female so it would be more docile and controllable.
Preston Lennox: More docile and controllable, eh? You guys don't get out much.

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Congo picture

Monroe: Eddie! What happened to your head?
Eddie: Customs guy, whacked me in the head with a can of peanut oil for stamping visas. I'm never goin back to that country, man. Those people have permanently wigged out.

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Goldeneye picture

Natalya Simonova: How can you be so cold?
James Bond: It's what keeps me alive.
Natalya Simonova: No. It's what keeps you alone.

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Under Siege 2 picture

Casey Ryback: You think this is being shot? This ain't being shot.

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The Net picture

Jack: God, we're pathetic, aren't we?
Angela: Excuse me?
Jack: Well, we're here. We're sitting on the most perfect beach in the world, and all we can think about is-.
Angela: "Where I can hook up my modem?"
Jack: Yeah, exactly.

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Johnny Mnemonic picture

Spider: If you're not expected then you're not invited - SO fuck OFF.

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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie picture

Ivan Ooze: Do you know what it's like to be trapped in an egg for 6,000 years? Bloody boring.


More Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie quotes
Bad Boys picture

Mike: Hellooo?
Marcus: We're your new neighbours.
Mike: Don't be alarmed, we're negros.

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Cutthroat Island picture

Morgan: Stop your chatter and say something Latin-ish.

More Cutthroat Island quotes
Operation Dumbo Drop picture

Capt. T.C. Doyle: Does anybody else here know how to work an elephant?
Harvey (H.A.) Ashford: I was in love with a fat woman once, but she never listened to me.

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