Capt. T.C. Doyle: You slept with the wife of General "Kill-'em-all-and-let-God-sort-them-out" Richardson?
David Poole: I thought it was his daughter.
Capt. T.C. Doyle: Oh yeah, he would've been fine with that.
Morgan: Stop your chatter and say something Latin-ish.
Hallmark: Have you had any contact with the aggressors?
Darren McCord: I killed two. Is that contact?
Donald Patterson: Did I say that? I didn't say that! All I said was... bad things tend to happen around you two. Some money got lost and I think you two can help me find it.
Charlie: How so?
Donald Patterson: You look for it.
Ah Keung: I hope next time we meet, we will be drinking tea.
SID 6.7: Ahhh... I'm losing too much of myself.
Trina Gavin: People who commit these acts are in many ways, no different from you and me. But, they are no longer able to control their urges. They disassociate themselves from their own actions also experiencing an hysterical blindness. They're blind to the darkness within themselves.