Natalya Simonova: How can you be so cold?
James Bond: It's what keeps me alive.
Natalya Simonova: No. It's what keeps you alone.
[Bond puts his gun against Valentin Zukovsky's head.]
Valentin Zukovsky: Walther PPK. Seven point six five millimeter. Only three men I know use such a gun. I believe I've killed two of them.
[Bond picks up a sub sandwich in Q's lab.]
Q: Don't touch that! It's my lunch.
Q: [showing Bond his new Aston Martin] Now, this I'm particularly proud of: behind the headlights, Stinger missiles.
James Bond: Excellent, just the thing for unwinding after after a rough day at the office.
Q: Need I remind you, 007, that you have a license to kill. Not to break the traffic laws.
James Bond: I wouldn't dream of it.
Alec Trevelyan: I might as well ask if all those vodka martinis silence the screams of all the men you've killed... Or if you've found forgiveness in the arms of all those willing women, for the dead ones you failed to protect?
Natalya Siminova: Do you destroy every vehicle you get into?
James Bond: Standard operating procedure.
Answer: "Don't even breathe. Where are the others?"