Trivia: Disabled U.S. veterans would tell Gary Sinise that they were inspired by his portrayal of Lt. Dan in this film. Feeling humbled because he himself was neither a veteran or disabled, he established the Gary Sinise Foundation in order to help disabled veterans adjust to their new lives. https://www.garysinisefoundation.org.

Trivia: In Reservoir Dogs, Nice Guy Eddie arranges for Mr. Orange (Tim Roth) to be treated by a nurse he knows named Bonnie. In Pulp Fiction, Jimmy's wife is a nurse named Bonnie.

Trivia: In this film it is stated that Herb Stemple lost all of the money he won on 21 when he invested in Florida land development that turned out to be a con. The truth is far more sinister; he was never paid in the first place. The fanfare about the huge prizes to be won on 21 was as phoney as the show itself, and Dan Enright and Albert Freeman made it clear to him that the whole thing was a sham and he was going to be paid a fraction of what they promised him. They forced him to sign a contract to that effect, something he bitterly regretted doing. The resentment over the shabby way he had been treated contributed to his decision to blow the whistle on the whole scam.

Trivia: Disney wanted people to despise Scar, the film's villain, so, during Scar's big song 'Be prepared', they made references to Adolf Hitler. When Scar's army begins to march, they are goose-stepping like Nazi soldiers and have their snouts raised like a Nazi salute (their snouts appear longer here than in any other part of the movie, and pointed to their right). Scar is on a large ledge, which resembles a balcony, much like that used by Hitler - on the side, the rock has a pattern resembling a giant Swastika. And finally, on the ground where the army marches, lines appear. These lines were on the streets of Germany, where the Nazis paraded.

Trivia: The actress playing Connie has the same surname as her character - Moreau.

Trivia: Orchard house, the house in the movie, is actually the house that Little Women's author, Louisa May Alcott was raised in.

Trivia: Almost all of the prisoners in the prison and the prisoners taking place in the riot, were in fact real inmates of that prison, with over 80% of them doing hard time for violent crimes.

Trivia: In the scene where the judge is killed by the two sentries, one of the sentries is played by director Sam Raimi (of Spider-man fame).

Trivia: In the hospital Heather is told that she can not be in a certain area without a pass; she replies "Screw your pass." The very same line was spoken, by her character Nancy in Nightmare on Elm Street 1, to a hall monitor in her dream.

Trivia: Kirsten Dunst (Claudia) had her first on screen kiss, with a much older Brad Pitt, in this film.

Trivia: In his previous film, Leon (The Professional), also released in 1994," Gary Oldman makes several references to Beethoven.

Trivia: If you think the church where Charles nearly marries Henrietta looks familiar, that's because it's the same church where the Sheriff of Nottingham attempted to force Maid Marion to marry her in Robin Hood;Prince of Thieves-St Bartholomew the Great in London.

Trivia: The director of the film, Peter Jackson, has a cameo in the film. He is the bum that Juliet grabs and kisses as the two girls run out of the theater.

Trivia: There are many similarities between A Clockwork Orange and the film Leon. Both main characters 'Alex' and 'Leon' are seen drinking milk many times in the films. Stansfeild (Leon) and Alex (ACO) both listen to Beethoven to stimulate their violence and the song 'Singing in the Rain' is featured in both films.

Trivia: In the scene where Lane is leaving for the rodeo and Kelly is trying to talk to Lane about wanting a place of their own close to her folks she kissing Lane goodbye and still talking.

Trivia: The title refers to the fall from innocence. However the Swedish title, "Höstlegender", refers to the season (Legends of the Fall/Autumn).

Trivia: In the movie, Reggie comments on Mark's Led Zepplin t-shirt, saying they were a great band. Mark accuses her of being one of those adults who pretends to like cool bands to get close to little punks like him. This parallels an incident where Brad Renfro was reading for the role of Mark, and a suit in the production office saw his Megadeath t-shirt and claimed to like that band, too. Renfro said the same thing to the producer that Mark eventually says to Reggie in the film.