
Junior (1994)

5 corrected entries

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Corrected entry: When Arnie goes into labour and has locked himself in the room, why do the nurses and doctor not come in to help? Although they don't know the details of the situation, "she" is in a lot of pain and needs medical assistance. There must be a way for getting into the room, otherwise cleaners, room service etc. could not get in. It just seems a little hard to believe that a dozen medical professionals would wait patiently outside a room when a "woman" is in labour inside it.

David Mercier

Correction: The doctors and other staff do not know that 'Alexandra' is in labour. When they first escort her to her room, she says "I'm fine, I just need a lie down". The doctors obviously believe she has pain related to something else less serious than labour.

Corrected entry: While this film is a comedy, it is medically impossible for a man to carry a child. Where did Alex carry the baby? In his stomach, full of stomach acid? How would the baby get nutrients?

Correction: Actually, this is not impossible. Scientists have already caused a male mouse to bear a pregnancy. Once the egg is fertilized, the hormones, etc. it produces can cause it to implant and connect to the blood supply in almost any tissue in the abdominal cavity regardless of the sex of the host (this is how ectopic pregnancies form in women). Of course, it would be attached to one the walls of the abdominal cavity as it would interfere with organ function if it were attached to an organ.


Corrected entry: Both Emma Thompson and Arnold Schwarzennegger pick up items out of liquid nitrogen with their bare hands. It should freeze their fingers.

Correction: Actually, while it's rather dangerous, you can put your fingers in liquid nitrogen without damage. Provided that you don't leave them in more than a fraction of a second. When I was doing a Cellular and Molecular Biology degree, we used to scare the unwary by putting our hands in it and swishing them around.

Corrected entry: During the ride in the car, DeVito talked to another doctor at the hospital and stated that he only wanted three people in the room during the delivering of the baby. But when they get there, there are five people in the room, yet nobody reacts to that.

Correction: The people present in the delivery room are Alex, Larry, Ned, Louise and an unnamed anesthesiologist. Yes, Larry stated he only wanted Ned and Louise to be the other people in the room, but Ned was concerned about doing a surgery without an anesthesiologist and it would have been too late to do anything about it when Larry gets Alex there.

Corrected entry: Danny De Vito's ex-wife is about three months further along than Arnold Schwarzenegger, yet they give birth on the same day. It is stated in the movie that Schwarzenegger was pregnant for more than eight months, so she would be at least 11 months pregnant, which of course isn't possible.

Correction: When Angela announces her pregnancy to Larry she states she is "7 weeks give or take." When they find out they have been turned down by the FDA it is a week later, putting her roughly around 8 weeks pregnant at the time that Larry talks Alex into doing the experiment and Alex becomes pregnant. When Alex announced his pregnancy to Diana he said he is "now 7 months to term." When Alex is checked into the home for expectant mothers he states he is "almost 8 months pregnant" but since it doesn't specify how close he could be anywhere between the 7 and 8 month mark. Larry stated that he would only be gone 3-4 days so Alex may have still been in his 7th month prior to the birth. This puts Angela at an acceptable due date when she goes into labor, especially if one goes by the 40 week human gestation.

Continuity mistake: While chasing Alex out of the hospital, Diana knocks into a man who is on roller blades and he falls over. Yet in all shots afterward he is not on the floor and we never see him get up.


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Dr. Alex Hesse: I've noticed that the side effects of pregnancy are greatly amplified... With the dosage of Expectane that l've required. The morning sickness, the mood swings. Sleepiness, sexual appetite.
Larry: Sexual appetite?
Dr. Alex Hesse: Yesterday, just scooping the middle out of a honeydew melon gave me a - A "Steifen."
Larry: A what? Oh. That's normal. I get 'em all the time.

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