Denis Dimbleby Bagley: My grandfather was caught molesting a wallaby in a private zoo in 1919.
Psychiatrist: A wallaby?
Denis Dimbleby Bagley: It may have been a kangaroo. I'm not sure.
Psychiatrist: You mean sexually?
Denis Dimbleby Bagley: I suppose so. He had his hand in its pouch.

King Arnulf: Now, I want you to be absolutely, totally, genuinely honest with me. Did you really, truly, honesty like it?
Erik: ...No.
King Arnulf: They didn't like it! Oh my God! I want to die.

Amos Reed: Let him go, Hooch! I'm sorry, Scott. I don't have the hand-strength I used to. You're OK, aren't you?
Scott Turner: Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I was looking forward to a nice quiet cup of coffee, but NOW I'M awake.

Pastor: Can I ask what your interest is in finding such a book?
Giles Redferne: Our interest lies in stopping those who would see all good falter. It lies in stopping the powers of misrule from coming of age. It lies in finding that damned book, and thwarting a vile beast of a man who shall not rest until God himself is thrown down, and all of creation becomes Satan's black hell-besmeared farting hole.
Kassandra: You asked.

Helen Downing: Back then, dinner and a movie might have gotten you into some girl's panties, but it's gonna take a lot more than that to get into mine.

King Henry V: We few, we happy few, we band of brothers.

Bill Roberts: There's gonna be one more killing here tonight.

Penn: Ah, the revolution! Starting in the most unlikely of places: Trump Casino, Atlantic City.

Brian Kelly: I don't know what's worse: getting blown up in nuclear war or having a 7-11 on every corner.

Eileen Gallagher: How do you know...?
Sgt. Johnny Gallagher: God damn it, I don't know! These people can be anybody they want to be! It scares the piss out of me.

Ron Kovic: People say that if you don't love America, then get the hell out. Well, I love America.