King Arnulf: Now, I want you to be absolutely, totally, genuinely honest with me. Did you really, truly, honesty like it?
Erik: ...No.
King Arnulf: They didn't like it! Oh my God! I want to die.
Erik: And you, Sven, aren't you afraid of crossing the Rainbow Bridge to Asgaard?
Sven the Berserk: I will join my grandfather there.
Thorfinn Skullsplitter: He's not in Valhalla! He died of old age.
Erik: Maybe none of us will return.
Snorri the Miserable: Oh, well that's much more sensible than just Thorfin getting killed. Shall we all go and pack now?
Harald the Missionary: Listen. I've been in this dump for sixteen years and I haven't made a single convert.
Snorri the Miserable: There was Thorbjorn Vifilsson's wife. You converted HER.
Harald the Missionary: Thorbjorn Vifilsson's wife became a Buddhist, not a Christian.
Snorri the Miserable: Same thing, isn't it?
Harald the Missionary: No, it is not.