Mr. Azae: You don't care whether you impress people or not, do you?
Richard Sumner: You wait until you get my bill. You'll be impressed.

Cpl. Allison, USMC: You're alone here?
Sister Angela: God has been with me.

Jo Stockton: Take the picture, take the picture.

Nickie Ferrante: I'll just take my ego for a walk.

Peggy Van Alden: How dare you think such cheap tactics would work with me.
Vince Everett: That ain't tactics, honey. It's just the beast in me.

Marianne Borg: I know that this is wrong.
Dr. Evald Borg: There's neither right nor wrong. We act according to our needs.

Colonel Nicholson: We can teach these barbarians a lesson in Western methods and efficiency that will put them to shame. We'll show them what the British soldier is capable of doing.

Usher: I'm gonna have me a place someday. I thought about it, I thought about it a lot. A man should have somethin' of his own, somethin' to belong to, to be proud of.
Pat Brennan: And you think you'll get it this way.
Usher: Sometimes you don't have a choice.
Pat Brennan: Don't you?

Teresa Alvarez: Caviar? Aren't you overdoing it a bit, Hank?
Hank Scott: Well, I've got to make an impression on you in 48 hours that'll last for two months. What's the matter, don't you like caviar?
Teresa Alvarez: Oh, I love it, but, I must say, I could never understand why it's so expensive.
Hank Scott: Well, it's a whole year's work for a sturgeon.

Wyatt Earp: We'd like you to come to the wedding, Doc, - if it doesn't interfere with your poker.
Dr. John 'Doc' Holliday: I'm not good at weddings - only funerals. Deal me out.

Lawyer: Your Majesty, first and foremost, you must stand on your rights and demand immunity on the ground of your Royal Prerogative.
King Shahdov: Immunity from what?
Lawyer: That I don't know, but I intend to find out. But if they put the 64 dollars question to you, as if you are, or ever have been a communist, then again you must stand on your Royal Prerogative.
King Shahdov: But that question is absurd.
Lawyer: There are many things absurd these days.

Antonius Block: Faith is a torment. It is like loving someone who is out there in the darkness but never appears, no matter how loudly you call.