The Colonel: Son.

Bugs Bunny: What's with you, anyway?
Daffy Duck: I can't help it. I'm a greedy slob. It's my hobby. Save me.

Clarence: I wouldn't do that if I were you. If I were you, I'd put him back. It can only lead to self destruction. It only takes one bird to start you, and before you know it, it's two birds, then three. Suddenly, without realizing it, you're a victim. Then one day... the end of the road.

Mavis Norman: Does it make any difference, having an aim in life?

Dr. Leslie Gaskell: Do you think you'll be able to respect a husband that probably pulled the scientific boner of all time?

Colonel Dax: Too much has happened. Someone's got to be hurt. The only question is who. General Mireau's assault on the Ant Hill failed. His order to fire on his own troops was refused. But his attempt to murder three innocent men to protect his own reputation will be prevented by the General Staff.

Usher: I'm gonna have me a place someday. I thought about it, I thought about it a lot. A man should have somethin' of his own, somethin' to belong to, to be proud of.
Pat Brennan: And you think you'll get it this way.
Usher: Sometimes you don't have a choice.
Pat Brennan: Don't you?

Teresa Alvarez: Caviar? Aren't you overdoing it a bit, Hank?
Hank Scott: Well, I've got to make an impression on you in 48 hours that'll last for two months. What's the matter, don't you like caviar?
Teresa Alvarez: Oh, I love it, but, I must say, I could never understand why it's so expensive.
Hank Scott: Well, it's a whole year's work for a sturgeon.