Jo Stockton: Take the picture, take the picture.
Dick Avery: When I get through with you, you'll look like... What do you call beautiful? A tree. You'll look like a tree.
Maggie Prescott: Let's give 'em the old pizazz.
Dick Avery: Professor, I love every broken bone in your body.
Maggie Prescott: Lettie, take an editorial!"To the women of America...!" No, make it to the women everywhere. "Banish the black, burn the blue, and bury the beige. From now on, girls, think pink!"
Jo Stockton: Suppose we just leave my bones alone and... and give me my $53.95?
Jo Stockton: What about these pictures?
Dick Avery: Well, we're using this shop as a background for some fashion pictures for Quality Magazine.
Jo Stockton: I'm sorry, but I can't let you do this. Dr. Post would never approve. She doesn't approve of fashion magazines. It's chichi and an unrealistic approach to self-impressions as well as economics.
Maggie Prescott: She put herself in your place. All you have to do is put yourself in her place, and the two of you are bound to run into each other in SOMEBODY'S place.
Dick Avery: Now when I say "go," walk down with fire in your eyes and murder on your mind.
Dick Avery: Livin' is easy. Livin' is high. All good Americans should come here to die.