Nickie Ferrante: I'll just take my ego for a walk.
Terry McKay: We were talking about the place where I was born.
Nickie Ferrante: I can hardly wait for you to grow up.
Terry McKay: And all I could say was, "hello."
Kenneth Bradley: I really hope you've found happiness, and if you're ever in need of anything, like someone to love you, don't hesitate to call me.
Nickie: There must be something between us, even if it's only an ocean.
Terry McKay: What makes life so difficult?
Nickie Ferrante: People?
Nickie Ferrante: But you have such an honest face.
Terry McKay: I have?
Nickie Ferrante: I can trust you can't I?
Terry McKay: Yes, I suppose so.
Nickie Ferrante: Good, come with me.
Terry McKay: Yes, but the Captain has an honest face too! Why can't you tell him your troubles?
Robert Q. Lewis - Announcer: Say, here's good news for you bachelors. Competition for pretty girls will definitely be easier now that Nickie Ferrante, the "big dame hunter", is going out of circulation. Yes, it will be wedding bells for him at long last. Mr. Ferrante is sailing today from Europe, and Miss Lois Clark will be waiting for him at the gangplank in New York. Lois and her lovely 600 million bucks, what a deal. Not only all that lettuce but a beautiful tomato too. Wow.
Terry McKay: I'm not prudish or anything but my mother warned me not enter a man's room first in any month ending in R.
Robert Q. Lewis - Announcer: Now then, one thing - watch the camera. When the red light is on, you're on.
Nickie Ferrante: Yeah? Well, it's on.
Interviewer: I'm sure you had some wonderful experiences in Europe.
Nickie Ferrante: Yes.
Interviewer: Would you care to expand on that statement?
Nickie Ferrante: No.