Samuel Jones: If I stay here very long, I might misbehave. Somebody might have to kill me.

Jack Twist: God, I wish I knew how to quit you!
Ennis Del Mar: Well, why don't you?

Dutton Peabody: Liberty Valance defeated. D-E-F-E-E... T-E-D? The unsteady hand betrays. What's the matter, Mr. Peabody? Are you afraid? The answer is indub... yes. No courage left. Well, courage can be purchased at yon tavern. But have we credit? That is the question. Have we credit? Well, credit is cheap. Wait for me, old servant of the public weal. Our shining hour is yet to come. As for you, Horace Greeley, go west, old man, and grow young with the country.

Molly Brown: Sure I may be tuckered, and I may give out, but I won't give in.

Forrest Bondurant: It is not the violence that sets men apart, all right, it is the distance that he is prepared to go.

Drover: We're not really used to...
Lady Sarah Ashley: A woman? I suppose you think I should be back in Darwin, at the church fete or a lady's whatever you call it. Well I will have you know, I am as capable as any man.
Drover: Guests. We're not used to guests is what I was about to say, but now that you mention it I happen to quite like the women of the outback.

Lomax: You got a bargain, Big Man.
Taw Jackson: How's that?
Lomax: Two five-hundred dollar days for the price of one.

Wyatt Earp: How come you told Cheryl where I'm staying?
Tom Mix: Because she asked. And I figured if she asked you, you'd tell her.