Best western movie quotes of all time

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The Paleface picture

Potter: I've been chased by women before, but never when I was awake.

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Last Stand at Saber River picture

Martha Cable: The disadvantage of knowing a man all his life is a woman never expects him to change.
Martha Cable: And when he does, it rattles her.

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The Tall T picture

Usher: I'm gonna have me a place someday. I thought about it, I thought about it a lot. A man should have somethin' of his own, somethin' to belong to, to be proud of.
Pat Brennan: And you think you'll get it this way.
Usher: Sometimes you don't have a choice.
Pat Brennan: Don't you?

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Son of Paleface picture

Peter 'Junior' Potter Jr.: I was peaches / I was cream / I was captain of the team.

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Broken Arrow picture

Gen. Oliver 'The Christian General' Howard: The Bible I read preaches brotherhood for all of God's children.
Tom Jeffords: Suppose their skins weren't white. Are they still God's children?
Gen. Oliver 'The Christian General' Howard: My Bible says nothing about the pigmentation of their skin.

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Terror on the Prairie picture

The Captain: Jeb McAllister it ends here.

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Support Your Local Gunfighter picture

Latigo: I don't like anything west of Riverside Drive.
Patience: Where's that?
Latigo: New York City.
Patience: On the Hudson River?
Latigo: Yeah, born and raised there.
Patience: Tell me about it.
Latigo: Tell you what about it?
Patience: ALL.
Latigo: Well let's see, they, they don't carry guns. And they got a cop on every street corner to keep people from shootin' one another.

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Westward Ho picture

John Wyatt: Hey, stupid! Where do you think you're going? Get back there with the herd, you muttonhead!
Mary Gordon: Just who do you think you're talking to? And who are you calling muttonhead?
John Wyatt: Well, I... that is, I.
Mary Gordon: And just what are you doing here, I may ask?
John Wyatt: Well, I'm the new trail boss.
Mary Gordon: Well my name's Mary Gordon and my father owns this outfit. So from now on, it's 'Miss Gordon' to you, not 'muttonhead', you dumbbell!

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Last Train from Gun Hill picture

Craig Belden: You're leavin' on the next train. I own the sheriff! I own this town! I own every man in it! You're leavin' on the next train, Matt.
Marshal Matt Morgan: All right, Craig. The last train leaves at 9:00. I'll be on it... but there'll be two men with me, and one of them'll have a cut on his cheek.

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Moon Zero Two picture

Clem: All space travel is just a big way of getting out of the house on a Saturday evening.
Kemp: Well, if you don't have anything better to do.

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True History of the Kelly Gang picture

Ned Kelly: Know that I shall tell no lie, let me burn in hell should I speak false.

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Oklahoma picture

Jud Fry: I ain't good enough for you, am I? I'm a hired hand. I got dirt on my hands. Pig slop. I ain't fit to touch you, am I - you're better. Oh, you're so much better, Miss Laurey Williams! Well we'll see how much better you are, and then you won't be so free and easy and hifalutin' with your airs! You such a fine lady.

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The Frisco Kid picture

Avram: ...In that case, would you like to fight for that last fish?
Tommy: You think you got a chance?
Avram: I think I can say with complete confidence... none, whatsoever. But I'm still hungry.
Tommy: Help yourself.

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Gunfight at the OK Corral picture

Dr. John 'Doc' Holliday: I'm a gambler. Money's just a tool of my trade.
Wyatt Earp: Of course, you will guarantee you won't lose.
Dr. John 'Doc' Holliday: I never lose. You see, poker's played by desperate men who cherish money. I don't lose because I have nothing to lose, including my life.

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Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here picture

Willie Boy: Indian's don't last in prison. They weren't born for it like the whites.

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Ghost Town picture

Dealer: Time is all we got in Cruz Del Diablo. Your future will wait 'til you get there. It's the past you can't do anything about.

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The Great Silence picture

Sheriff Burnett: Set a wagon outside of town and put as much food on it as you can spare. If they eat, they'll behave. And you women, all of you, stay inside. Understand? Now let's get moving. C'mon.
Pollicut: Fill a wagon. So now, these bandits gotta be fought with bread and butter. When are we gonna see some law and common sense in this town?
Regina: When somebody hangs you.

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There Was a Crooked Man... picture

Woodward Lopeman: Why do you work at it so hard proving you're a son-of-a-bitch.
Paris Pittman Jr.: Because I am. It's my profession and I'm on top.

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Bandidas picture

Sara Sandoval: I might not know who I am but I know who I'm not, I'm not someone who lets her country down.

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