Dallas: Well, you gotta live no matter what happens.
Henry, the Ringo Kid: Hold it.
Samuel Peacock: Savages.
Chris: That's my wife, Yakima... my squaw.
Samuel Peacock: Yes, but she's... she's... savage.
Chris: Si senor, she's little bit savage, I think.
Henry, the Ringo Kid: Well, there are some things a man just can't run away from.
Marshal Curly Wilcox: Come busting in here - you'd think we were being attacked! You can find another wife.
Chris: Sure I can find another wife. But she take my rifle and my horse. Oh, I'll never sell her. I love her so much. I beat her with a whip and she never get tired.
Dr. Josiah Boone: Your wife?
Chris: No, my horse. I can find another wife easy, yes, but not a horse like that.
Dr. Josiah Boone: Jerry, I'll admit as one man to another that, economically, I haven't been of much value to you. But do you suppose you could put one on credit?
Jerry (bartender): If talk was money, Doc, you'd be the best customer I got.
Ringo Kid: You may need me and this Winchester, Curly. Saw a ranch house burnin' last night.
Dr. Josiah Boone: Well, now that the danger is past, Mr.
Samuel Peacock: ...Peacock.
Dr. Josiah Boone: Ladies and gentlemen, since it's most unlikely we'll ever have the pleasure of meeting again socially, I'd like to propose a toast. Major, Gatewood, Ringo... to your health.
Ringo Kid: Well, I guess you can't break out of prison and into society in the same week.