Best thriller TV plot holes of all time

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Battlestar Galactica picture

Scattered - S2-E1

Plot hole: Gaeta and Tigh both reference the fact that the Galactica crew computes the changes in stellar drift for FTL jumps and then sends out the info to the rest of the fleet for their use. However, when they fail to rendezvous with the fleet after the emergency jump, Gaeta realizes a mistake has been made and says that Galactica's info is out of date. This creates a major plot hole because if Galactica sends out the new info to the fleet, Galactica would always have the most up to date info for FTL jumps. The crew would be able to solve the lost fleet crisis by simply reloading the last coordinates that Galactica sent out and jumping there where the fleet would be waiting for them. There would be no need to go back to the previous coordinates and recompute the jump.


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Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles picture

Samson & Delilah - S2-E1

Plot hole: When John inserts Cameron's CPU, she restarts nearly instantly. She recognizes John right away and speaks to him by name. Yet seconds later, we see through her eyes as her system reports recognizing him, but she already does.


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Beast Wars: Transformers picture

Season 2 generally

Plot hole: Series 2, Episode 11, The Agenda (1). The Tripredacus Council explains that Ravage will be able to find Megatron and the others by tracing the transwarp wavefront back through time to its source. If he truly did follow it back to when it started he would have arrived moments after Optimus destroyed the alien weapon in "Other Voices: Part Two" which created it, yet he arrives considerably farther in the future.

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Lost picture

Adrift - S2-E2

Plot hole: Seeing as Jin dived in right after Sawyer, to save him, when Sawyer came up Jin should have been right next to him, or at least in view. However Sawyer hears Jin's voice as if he is miles away when he surfaces, and he is not visible at all.

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Digimon picture

Season 1 generally

Plot hole: When the DigiDestined return to the real world, Izzy states that only a few minutes have passed by despite the weeks that have elapsed in the DigiWorld. However, in an earlier episode, Tai returns to the real world for hours and upon his return to the DigiWorld, only a few weeks have passed by.

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The Outer Limits picture

The Man Who Was Never Born - S1-E6

Plot hole: Andro has memorized "every detail" of Cabot Jr.'s life, including his mother's name, Noel. Yet when he travels to the past, meets Noel and learns her name, he still mistakes Cabot Sr. for Cabot Jr., who isn't born yet. Having memorized all those details, he would have known the moment he met her that Noel was Jr.'s mother. Andro's confusion makes no sense. (00:28:00)

Jean G

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Ozark picture

Pick a God and Pray - S4-E9

Plot hole: Ruth enters Darlene's home at night, crossing over the crime scene tape. She proceeds to the barn where she finds all of Darlene's heroin packed up neatly. This is factually impossible. Once the police had secured the crime scene in the house, they would have searched the entire property and would have discovered and seized the heroin at that time. (00:54:38 - 00:56:09)

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Homeland picture

Casus Belli - S6-E5

Plot hole: Later in the evening, after NYPD takes Quinn into custody, Carrie finds his cell phone, with pictures showing their home had been spied upon from across the street, as well as other evidence of a conspiracy. He had tried to hand her the phone right after the police broke in, but it was knocked from his hand and she discovered it under the smashed door. In the real world, Carrie's home would have been considered a crime scene and the police would have searched it thoroughly, top to bottom, undoubtedly finding the phone themselves, but are shown driving away after the confrontation.


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Murder, She Wrote picture

Sticks & Stones - S2-E10

Plot hole: When Beverly is killed the killer shuts off the main power switch which would have turned all the lights off in the house, not just those in the bathroom. (01:31:00)

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Roswell picture

Pilot - S1-E1

Plot hole: In the lab when Liz makes the slides of her cheek cells and the cells from Max's pencil, the first time she doesn't add stain and the second time she does. If she's going to be a molecular biologist she really ought to learn to apply techniques consistently. (00:07:30)


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Goosebumps picture

Attack Of The Mutant (1) - S2-E2

Plot hole: Skipper spots the Masked Mutant's headquarters the first time he goes past. He then goes back the next day, and the headquarters have vanished. He then goes back a third time, and the headquarters aren't there yet again. However Skipper says "How can it be. It was right here yesterday," although it wasn't.

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X-Men: Evolution picture

Grim Reminder - S1-E11

Plot hole: In the end of the episode, Wolverine is seen recuperating after surgery removes the microchip in his brain, and his head is bandaged. Performing invasive surgery on Wolverine's brain isn't possible, since that would require going through his adamantium-infused skull and no conventional material is capable of that. Only a less invasive technique (such as going through the cranial sutres or cranial foramen) would have been effective and that most likely would not have required Wolverine's head to be bandaged (especially with his rapid healing mutant ability).

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Haven picture

Over My Head - S3-E4

Plot hole: Daphne was able to hurt Duke because his name appears on her cell when he called, but names only show up on a cell phone if the person's number and name are programed into the phone, and Duke has already said he doesn't know her.


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The Twilight Zone picture

The Monsters are Due on Maple Street - S1-E22

Plot hole: The street sign in the beginning is all wrong: it faces the camera rather than the street where the story takes place. In a typical American city, street signs are almost always placed in the direction of the street they are indicating, so drivers on the other street in the intersection know what they are turning onto or passing. In other words, the story is not set on Maple Street! Maple Street is the intersecting street at the end of the road the story is set on.


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Night Gallery picture

The Messiah on Mott Street - S2-E38

Plot hole: No one in Goldman's house finds it at all strange that a mailman arrives at the door with a letter after midnight on Christmas Eve. Nor, a short time later, does the doctor or anyone else passing by at this very odd hour wonder why the same mailman is collecting mail from a street box at dawn on Christmas Day.

Jean G

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Dexter picture

Remember the Monsters? - S8-E12

Plot hole: A couple episodes prior, Deputy Marshal Clayton stated that he shared Hannah's picture everywhere after receiving a tip that she may be in Miami. In the same episode, Hannah was spotted at a hospital and Clayton was called in about it. This should have only increased public awareness concerning her, but at the beginning of this episode, she somehow made it through airport security and all the way to her gate before spotting Elway and hiding from him in the ladies room.


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Strike Back picture

Project Dawn #10 - S2-E10

Plot hole: After Grant finishes her video confession, Latif puts the video recorder in his cargo pant pocket. A few scenes later, he's blown up without ever having taken the video camera out of his pocket. He was at the epicenter of the explosion and he and his clothes were very much on fire, which should have completely destroyed the video camera and its recording.

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The Day of the Jackal picture

Episode #1.5 - S1-E5

Plot hole: The Jackel visits Norman's hideout where they meticulously craft disassembled rifle parts in a walking boot. The Jackel takes the rifle out to test with nary a sign of the boot. He is nearly captured, escapes, and flees the country while Norman is captured and killed. But the Jackel arrives in Estonia wearing that one-of-a-kind handcrafted boot.


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Justified picture

When the Guns Come Out - S3-E6

Plot hole: Raylan has a hunch that Winona took the money again from the evidence room, so checks the locker, finds the empty box, and assumes she stole it. When they returned the money in the previous season, he said "Put it back anywhere except for where you found it", so as to make it easier for someone to assume it had been misplaced, rather than lost. So the locker being empty is hardly a smoking gun for him to assume Winona's taken the cash.

Jon Sandys

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Troppo picture

Woman in the White Hat - S2-E4

Plot hole: Ronnie and her daughter, and son-in-law spot a pick-up truck towing a large trailer through her plantation. Ronnie runs to her truck to investigate. When she arrives, which could only be a few minutes behind the truck and trailer, there are technicians well into the process of mixing chemicals.


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