Plot hole: In the lab when Liz makes the slides of her cheek cells and the cells from Max's pencil, the first time she doesn't add stain and the second time she does. If she's going to be a molecular biologist she really ought to learn to apply techniques consistently. (00:07:30)
Plot hole: Liz first discovers Max's secret due to a science class experiment in which she sees his alien cells; yet later in the series, the four are told by Nesedo that they have human bodies.
Plot hole: When Michael and River Dog are going through the woods and River Dog trips and breaks his ankle, Michael heals him and has a vision. The problem is, only Max has the ability to heal. This is reinforced in Episode 15 "Independence Day" when Michael goes to Max and asks him to heal the black eye his foster dad gave him. (00:34:19)
Answer: It's called "Here With Me", performed by Dido. It can be found on her album "No Angel".
Tailkinker ★