Character mistake: When Neal tells Rebecca about an Indian Idol and describes the idol to her, she tells him it's the Hindu Idol of Seeta, the goddess of wealth. Actually the idol is of Goddess Laxmi.

Character mistake: They are in the interrogation room questioning the fiancé of the scientist Natasha when the captain says, "the blood we found at the scene of your fiance's murder, it didn't belong to Bobby Cordero." The characters name was Benny Cordero, which the captain says correctly a few lines later. (00:33:25)

Character mistake: When Gina tries to set up Rosa on a date, Rosa mentions the last person Gina set her up with (Justin) was a dork who rode a Yamaha motorcycle. She says "he might as well have picked me up in a station wagon." Rosa's bike is a Yamaha R1.

Character mistake: Brock states that the Diglett are plowing the ground and the Dugtrio are planting the trees, but the opposite is true (The Dugtrio are plowing, and the Diglett are planting).

Character mistake: As Reddington sets up the blood transfer between himself and Ressler he inserts the intravenous line in Ressler's arm first and then in his own arm. This way the remaining air inside the line gets into the recipient's body and could very well kill him. Judging the expert way he handles the set up he should know to first insert the IV in his own arm, let the line fill with blood and then insert the IV in Ressler's arm.
Suggested correction: That amount of air would probably not cause any problem. It actually takes quite a lot of air to cause any issue.

Character mistake: At one point in the show, Roger throws a bucket of water (in disguise as Scotch Bingeington) on Francine claiming "Wet T-Shirt Contest!" Francine looks disgusted when Roger states "Eh, give this one a four" to the guy judging the contest, then says to Francine "Don't feel bad, you've had three kids." Francine replies "I've had two." and Roger gasps and puts a consoling hand on Francine's shoulder. This is wrong because Francine has birthed four children. She previously gave birth to Bailey (Hayley's twin), and Greg and Terry's baby in Season 3 Episode 7 "Surro-Gate." (00:14:15)

The Uniform - S2-E11
Character mistake: While handcuffing an auxiliary officer in his apartment, there is a poster on the wall reading, "attention military personal..." Personal is misused. It should read "attention military personnel." (00:16:02)

Character mistake: When Will tries to quote the law to the barman, he states that the group must be "accompanied by an adult" in order to drink alcohol with food. However, since he just served Jay, he believed Jay was an adult; and Jay is accompanying the group. Both Will and tha bartender miss this.

Character mistake: Both Jeremy Clarkson and his guest Sir Michael Parkinson identify "The Four Yorkshiremen" sketch - about four Yorkshiremen trying to outdo each other with their complaints about life - as a Monty Python sketch. It isn't. It is from "At Last The 1948 Show", presented by David Frost, and was first performed by Tim Brooke-Taylor, John Cleese, Graham Chapman and Marty Feldman, although Monty Python have often performed it.

Al Sah-Him - S3-E21
Character mistake: Diggle turns to Nyssa and says "I think what she's trying to say is, Oliver would never do anything to hurt you, Felicity," incorrectly addressing Nyssa as "Felicity." (00:14:50)
Suggested correction: When Diggle is walking away from Felicity, he is still talking to her but it looks like he is talking to Nyssa.
People have already tried to correct this mistake. It is valid. In the scenes prior, Nyssa says Oliver will do what it takes to kill her and Oliver says "tonight, Nyssa Al Ghul faces justice." Nyssa is there to bring the team the news that Oliver is going to try to kill her. Felicity says "Oliver wouldn't", meaning Oliver wouldn't try to kill Nyssa. Diggle says "I think what she's [she being Felicity] trying to say to say is that Oliver would never do anything to hurt you" [you being Nyssa whom Oliver is going to try to kill]. He is meant to say "Nyssa." Otherwise the entire line means Nyssa or Laurel are there to convince Felicity that Oliver would never do anything to hurt Felicity.

Character mistake: When Beth and her mother discuss the agent's fee of 15%, Beth says it is $49.54. However the prize money was $500, the expenses were $172.30, which leaves them $327.70. 15% of $327.70 equals $49.16. (00:10:00)

It May Look Like a Walnut! - S2-E20
Character mistake: Rob is having a nightmare, part of which involves the disappearance of his thumbs. When he finds Laura at home, the script calls for him to say, "I want you to help me get my thumbs back," but he actually says, "I want you to help me get my thumb backs." His thumbs are also still there but hidden (you can see a portion of them in one frame of the episode).

Sleeping with the Enemy - S3-E6
Character mistake: Noel Shempsky (the supposed Star Trek Nerd) attributes the quote "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one" to James T. Kirk, when it was Spock who said it. (00:03:50)

The One With Joey's New Brain - S7-E15
Character mistake: After Susan Sarandon slaps Joey the first time, after he tells her that her character is dying on DOOL, she turns away and right before she is off camera she smiles, instead of maintaining her anger. (00:06:05)

Character mistake: When Matt is talking to his priest Father Lantom, he says "it was a nice sermon" instead of "it was a nice homily." In the Catholic church "homily" is the correct word; sermons are Protestant. (00:11:30)

Character mistake: When talking to a family, Christina says that the patient had "hematomachrosis" instead of "hemachromatosis"

Communication Breakdown - S5-E19
Character mistake: When Mac, Stella, and Danny are trying to determine where the fired bullet entered the train car, none of them are wearing rubber gloves. But even though they're not handling any evidence, they're still processing a crime scene. (00:05:00)
Suggested correction: Theoretically correct, but it can be argued that the only evidence present is the bullet (which has DNA and prints burnt off when fired) and the body (which can only be handled by the MEs) gloves are not required.
What utter rubbish. No CSI would enter a crime scene without first putting on latex gloves - it is a carved-in-stone rule.
Exactly. Since Mac, Stella and Danny were processing a crime scene, they would need to wear gloves because without them, they would have contaminated a crime scene by not only getting their fingerprints over everything but, if one of them got a cut or scrape, their DNA would also be thrown into the mix and any defense attorney can call them out on their carelessness and have any evidence thrown out.

Death at Victoria Dock - S1-E4
Character mistake: Fisher refers to some characters as speaking "a Slavic language." The characters are Latvian anarchists. Lettish (aka Latvian) is a Baltic language, not Slavic.

Character mistake: In the 11/14/2005 US Army Rangers report about Peter MacLeish, the word captain right under MacLeish's signature is misspelled "captian."