Communication Breakdown - S5-E19
Character mistake: When Mac, Stella, and Danny are trying to determine where the fired bullet entered the train car, none of them are wearing rubber gloves. But even though they're not handling any evidence, they're still processing a crime scene. (00:05:00)

Tri-Borough - S1-E11
Character mistake: When Danny runs the bullet he found at the crime scene through IBIS and finds a match, "homicide" is misspelled "homocide". (00:08:20)
Character mistake: When Flack and Lavoto are in the car he says "I never would have pegged you as an undercover" but he already knew she was, she told him this when they first met in season 9 episode 1.
The Closer - S1-E22
Character mistake: When Hawkes shows Mac, Danny, and Aiden a bruise on Gilbert Novotny's body, and tells them he was struck with a baseball, Danny refers to Gilbert as "George Novotny", like Stella did earlier in the episode. (00:28:15)
Character mistake: In the scene in which Stella, Adam, and Hawkes are trying to get clues from the $1 bill left by Shane Casey at the bar, Stella notes that the Latin phrase "E Pluribus Unum" has had its word order changed and now reads "E Unum Pluribus". From this, she deduces that the meaning has changed from 'from many, one" to "from one, many'. However, Latin is a highly inflected language, in which the meaning of a word changes not from its position in a sentence, but from the ending that is attached to the word. Therefore, both 'e pluribus unum' and 'e unum pluribus' mean exactly the same thing.
The Closer - S1-E22
Character mistake: In the morgue, Stella initially identifies Gilbert Novotny as "George Novotny", however, correctly identifies him later in the scene. He is referred to as Gilbert through remainder of episode.
Character mistake: As Peyton is examining the body and reporting her findings to Danny at the beginning of the episode, Mac picks up a credit card he deducts was used to open the door, but he isn't wearing gloves; this would compromise the evidence even if by holding it by the edges he preserved the prints.
Suggested correction: Theoretically correct, but it can be argued that the only evidence present is the bullet (which has DNA and prints burnt off when fired) and the body (which can only be handled by the MEs) gloves are not required.
Andy Benham ★
What utter rubbish. No CSI would enter a crime scene without first putting on latex gloves - it is a carved-in-stone rule.
Exactly. Since Mac, Stella and Danny were processing a crime scene, they would need to wear gloves because without them, they would have contaminated a crime scene by not only getting their fingerprints over everything but, if one of them got a cut or scrape, their DNA would also be thrown into the mix and any defense attorney can call them out on their carelessness and have any evidence thrown out.