Plot hole: There's no good reason for Hinx to attack Bond on the train. Blofeld was expecting him to turn up at the crater, that's why he sent the car to pick them up.

Plot hole: When the policeman asks Kirsty at the beginning who came when she solved the box she says the Cenobites; she had no way of knowing what they were called. Frank only told Julia; Kirsty didn't hear it anywhere and the Cenobites themselves didn't tell her either.

Plot hole: Krell doorways and equipment suggest they are short, wide and 2-3 times larger than a human. Yet the shuttle pod the Commander, Doctor and Morbius ride in is designed for human size beings.

Plot hole: Silva spent years planning his revenge against M, yet the ability to carry out his plan depended on conditions that were entirely out of his control, such as being captured by MI-6 despite having no way of knowing that Bond was coming for him, and only escaping custody because Q triggers the Trojan - there's no way Silva could predict when that would happen, could have been hours, days, weeks, or never. He then ambushes M at the courthouse despite having no way of knowing that she would be there that day.

Plot hole: In the scene where Katrina is watching through Valek's eyes as he kills father Molina, Crow orders father Giteau to "find out where an old padre is missing". But Katrina never described father Molina, all she said was "He killed the priest". Crow could not have known the age of the man who was killed.

Plot hole: When the security guards enter the cage housing the blown safe there are no traces of the water used to break the safe - not even on the (dry) floor. This happens only minutes after the explosion sent the safe door and gallons of water across the cage.

Plot hole: Klaatu is shot and his body is lying in a prison cell. Gort leaves the flying saucer and walks all the way to the heavily guarded police station in downtown Washington DC. Gort is 8 feet tall and is a robot plus he uses his noisy death ray to create a hole in the police station to retrieve Klaatu's body and nobody noticed him? On top of that, he walks all the way back to the saucer unseen with a dead body. (01:22:36)

Plot hole: When Rambo hijacks the Army truck, he throws out the driver, Robert A. and continues driving down the one-lane dirt road in the same direction. When Robert A. hits the ground, he immediately pops up and runs the opposite direction, away from where the truck is driving. A couple of shots later, we see a behind view of Robert A. running. It turns out that it is the driver's view from a Sheriff's vehicle. How could a car, especially a Sheriff's squad car, possibly come from that direction since it was a one-way road? And how could that same officer not see that the man driving the truck was Rambo?
Suggested correction: It isn't shown that no other roads join that one. It's therefore reasonable to assume the police car joined that road from a branch / connecting road and didn't encounter the truck.

Plot hole: When the "black diamond" is being turned into its dangerous form, the arms dealers get very excited. Yet all they actually see is a very pretty laser show. There is nothing to show that the object really has any destructive power. Arms dealers make their fortunes by being cautious and smart. They shouldn't be so quick to accept the claims of the bad guy and bid money on possibly useless stones. (01:18:20)

Plot hole: During the boxing match where Eddie Murphy is wearing the special contact lenses, he sees that Owen Wilson's life is in danger. So much so, that he rushes out of the ring instead of doing his usual grand-standing. But when he shows up at the tower to rescue Owen, he has on pants and a shirt. I guess he figured Owen could hold out long enough for him to get dressed?

Plot hole: At the end of the movie where David and his friends are attempting to break into Steve's house, David has the door code and attempts to gain access once by using it. Steve then tells his wife and the kids to go hide upstairs and turn off all the lights so nobody will know where they are. Then Steve and his wife go to another part of the house, away from the front door. Then, we hear David and his friends using axes and a big log to try and break down the door, "before* Steve secures the door with household appliances later on. Why wouldn't David have just kept trying the code?
Suggested correction: The reason David can not keep trying the code, is because the door has a lock on the top, and one at the bottom (middle regular lock). That middle lock is able to respond to the key/pass-code system, but the top one is not. In order to get in the house, David would have to be able to enter the pin (which, yes he knows) but with the top lock still locked from the inside he can not get in. I am assuming there is a key slot on the outside where he would need a key, and also I'm sure the family doesn't bother locking the top half of the door as no one else knows the pin (so they thought). And I'm guessing that they never locked it during the day either, and only at night.

Plot hole: Sonny hides among the 1000 robots in the big store room. They are all placed in very straight rows. Sonny would not be able to take over another robot's place in the grid (when he starts running we see a large robot-sized gap) without getting another robot to move. And while Will Smith is running around the rows, he would have noticed if the others moved to make room.
Suggested correction: Sonny was already at the factory before Spooner and Calvin showed up. It's possible he moved in a robot's space, and either the robots to his sides or the ones behind him moved back a space (we never see the rows in their entirety), hence no need for any of them to move while Spooner and Calvin are in the storage room.
Suggested correction: Will Smith shot one of them, it's possible this hole in the front of the row caused that line of robots to move forward one spot, to complete the row again. As they did Sonny could have slipped in. When he spotted Sonny the first time Sonny was simply standing between 2, as Will Smith only saw them from the front at that point, when he started running it's impossible to notice a simple step forward of 1 row of robots and Sonny slipping in.

Plot hole: The aliens seems to be very strong, but not using technology at all. How come they defeated for example tank units? Doesn't look like they can penetrate steel with their arms.
Suggested correction: The aliens also demonstrate the ability to run extremely fast, easily able to outmaneuver a slow-moving tank. They would most likely jump on the top of the tank or rip the treads off, considering they still are extremely strong. They would also quickly jump onto a helicopter and take it down. As for other vehicles such as jets or aircraft carriers, the aliens either would have attacked military bases or taken the fight out to sea in ships. Whatever the answer, that particular element of the aliens is a large amount of possibilities, not a mistake.
If a waterfall can disorientate them, so would a jet engine or gunfire.
Loud sound doesn't disorientate them; it just "hides" quieter sounds.
Something they teach in the military is the "ghost walk" - how to move silently. As the newspaper cuttings suggest, the noise angle was known about while there were still working printing presses, so it must have been a slow event. And a helicopter gunship can engage from up to 1km away, that's a long jump.
Yeah, how does the military never tried to use loud and/or high sound to defeat them once they found that they hunt using the sound? But to be fair they seem to be everywhere, so maybe they attacked in very large numbers.
That's actually clever (assuming the aliens didn't rip everything apart before coordinated strikes). Have some jets fly at low speed and A10s behind light up the space.

Plot hole: When Xander is driving onto the bridge, chased by the police cars, we see that there are police cars also blocking the end of the bridge to stop him getting away. How come none of them noticed the ruddy great ramp sitting alone in the middle of the bridge and moved it? It wouldn't take a genius to work out what he might do.

Plot hole: James Bond shouldn't have gotten away at the end of the airport scene, where he steals an aeroplane and pretends to be a flying instructor. He had no wings with which to fly away, and he ended back up right outside the airport. So, the henchmen, who seemed to still be chasing him one shot before he parked, should have been right on him, waiting when he got out of the plane.

Plot hole: The assassin cuts a hole in the glass to kill the Federation president. But with the size of the hole and the placement of the scope on the phaser rifle, the assassin would not have been able to see out of the hole.

Plot hole: When Ripley goes to access the computer Mother, the entry door opens and closes with a hissing noise, a couple of minutes later you see Ash next to Ripley with a smile on his face. How did Ash manage to open the same door without it making the hissing sound? Ash could not have been in the room before Ripley came in - once Ripley has sat down at the console, it rotates on a 90 degree angle, this would have made it impossible for Ash to be hiding behind a desk or a computer console without being seen by Ripley. There are many doors on the ship that make the same hissing sound when the doors open, an obvious example is the infirmary door. And Ash couldn't have disabled the pneumatics of the door, because when Ripley exits the room, the hissing noise is heard again. (01:18:40 - 01:20:00)

Plot hole: During the Congressional hearing, it is suggested that the alien signal could have been faked from a satellite - as Ellie only has her own experience to go on, it leaves her believing what happened, but still with an element of doubt. However, as a professional astronomer, Ellie would have immediately dismissed this since a simple parallax (triangulation) would have confirmed that source was at the distance of Vega - a distance far too great for any rocket to reach. (This is mentioned in the book). In fact, this is mentioned early in the film, when the employees in New Mexico calculate the source of the signal while it is transmitting prime numbers.
Suggested correction: His plan was always to blow a hole in the tube to have a train crash at that location. This would have caused mayhem and take up a lot of resources (police/ambulance/fire). Bond chasing him had no impact on this part of the plan. Then when his team picked him up, his team would have known where M would have been on that day and would have driven him there. With resources on high at the train crash site, it would have made it easier to reach M.
This aspect is a bit of a plot hole for me too - one of the factors outside Silva's control is when he can escape MI6 custody, which depends on when Q triggers the 'Granborough' Trojan, which Q only spots with a bit of help from Bond. That triggering could have been hours, days, weeks or never - pretty fraught with risk to rely on individual(s) making that happen at a plot-convenient moment... otherwise Silva has a bunch of associates hanging around London for a few days permanently on a few minutes alert for a random event.