Plot hole: James Bond shouldn't have gotten away at the end of the airport scene, where he steals an aeroplane and pretends to be a flying instructor. He had no wings with which to fly away, and he ended back up right outside the airport. So, the henchmen, who seemed to still be chasing him one shot before he parked, should have been right on him, waiting when he got out of the plane.
Plot hole: Bond steals the ancient double decker bus, not noted for any kind of speed, and he also doesn't get much of a head start against the police, yet in later shots he's quite a distance ahead of them. Skilled driver or not, it's a bus.
Chosen answer: One assumes that the card that 'foretold' that Rosie was a double-agent was either sent by Felix Lighter of the FBI/CIA or by Solitaire herself. But, more than likely, it was Bond's faithful sidekick Quarrel, Jr. (the fisherman/boat captain on San Monique).