Plot hole: Ruthven is apparently bitter that he has been denied his chance of becoming an immortal vampire after Clara steals the map from him, which is why he attacks Eleanor. But why doesn't he just go to the island anyway? You don't need to be invited - Clara, Eleanor and Frank aren't. Having been there once, it seems highly unlikely he can't find it again - he's a naval captain, so navigation and observation are major professional skills for him. And it isn't hidden or magically protected - the local boatmen know where it is and are prepared to take people there, although they won't set foot on it themselves. He could quite easily have gone there without the map, entered the shrine and been turned into a vampire if that's what he wanted.

Plot hole: When the diesel train stops in the tunnel, one of the soldiers tells another one how far they are from the spot where the nuclear detonation will take place. Do the math: the distances don't work out. At least one of the trains would have to do over 100mph AVERAGE to put enough distance between them. Military precision, indeed.

Plot hole: After his mother's death, Peter sets a camera up outside her therapist's office, so he can see who goes in and who comes out; he thinks his mother's killer might be one of the doctor's patients - a tall woman with long blonde hair. All he sees is people going in and people coming out, and then he sees her - the tall blonde. Problem: He never saw her going in, only going out, which is critical, because the killer is the therapist - a tall man - wearing a long blonde wig and make-up. Of course no-one says anything about "We never saw her going in, only out, so it must be the therapist!"

Plot hole: If they assembled the wet bike on the submarine, they wouldn't be able to get it off as it would be too big to fit through the hatch.

Plot hole: Sang-hwa forces a zombie inside a toilet stall. The zombie begins to bang on the door violently and Sang-hwa has to hold onto the door in order to stop the zombie from getting out. However, it is revealed later on that the zombies do not attempt to attack the humans or react violently or aggressively if they cannot see them. If this is the case, then this scene of the zombie banging on the door even when it cannot see any of the uninfected humans contradicts the rules that are established later on. (00:25:48)

Plot hole: After the scene at the Houses of Parliament where Irene Adler escapes through the sewer from the clutches of Lord Blackwood, she suddenly appears at Tower Bridge, about 3 miles away. Even assuming she ran there and the journey was skipped, going there makes zero sense. It slows her down, leaves her exposed and limits her exit points - she's got all of London to escape into! (01:48:00)

Plot hole: In Tokyo Drift Twinkie tells Sean that Dom has been racing and beating drivers around Asia, but in this film Dom only goes to Tokyo for day or two as he tells Mia to tell Brian that he will see him in Los Angeles in two days.

Plot hole: Bobby confronts Wilee on the college campus to give him the envelope. Whilst the confrontation progresses, Wilee gets away from Bobby after distracting him by holding his sandwich by riding his bike off the college campus, onto the main road and never stops. During this ride, he drives past the gaps in several cars and taxis. Within a minute and a half, Bobby then manages to catch up with Wilee. There are two things wrong with the time it took Bobby to reach Wilee. First, there were loads of cars that we would had to have drove past in order to get to him. The problem with this is that Wilee managed to get past the cars using his bike to go through the gaps. Bobby had his car which meant he couldn't have possibly gotten through the gap making him reach Wilee in that amount of time. And second thing wrong with this is, even though Bobby knew where Wilee was taking the envelope too, he still didn't have any way to know the precise direction Wilee was going in to deliver the envelope. (00:11:50 - 00:13:30)

Plot hole: Farley Granger meets a math professor on a train bound from New York to Washington, and is able to prove as much to the police. The professor got on in New York and got off in Wilmington, DE, while Granger boarded the train in the fictitious town of Metcalf, NJ, and rode on to Washington. Thus, they met between Metcalf and Wilmington. But the police say Granger could have boarded the train in Baltimore, by which time the professor would have gotten off and they never would have met.

Plot hole: The suitcase with all the money is at the fake doctor guy. This makes absolutely no sense - it was given to the girl. Why would she hand it over to that guy when they could have done the splitting of the money right that night?

Plot hole: The dead young girl who wears white has hemophilia (uncontrollable bleeding), and her mother states that she's scared of all sharp metal objects (scissors, etc.), yet she goes to play in an old abandoned steel mill all the time.

Plot hole: In the end, when Charlie is advancing on Emily while turning his light on and off, the final time he turns it on, Kathrine is in front of Emily. How could she get there so fast without being heard? There's at least 4-5 inches of water that would make sneaking very hard.

Plot hole: When John tries to start his car with the flat battery the least he should have done is switch the windshield wipers off. (01:33:50)

Plot hole: When Magneto lands the bridge between San Francisco and Alcatraz, only the ends of the bridge are on land, with the rest still suspended in the air despite having nothing to keep it there. Magneto could arguably be using his powers to keep it supported, but at the moment he loses his powers it still does not collapse at the center.

Plot hole: Kazam is supposed to be a math genius, something that the plot hinges on, but he makes several mistakes when calculating the number of prime factors to find out whether a room is trapped or not. He says that 462 has three prime factors, when it has four, that 206 has four when it only has two and that 563 has two and 911 has three when both are actually prime numbers.

Plot hole: When you see the shot of New York, just before the scene where the apartment lights go out, there are no lights on in the buildings, or car lights in the street, although it is dark. The lights should still be on as there has not been a power outage. (01:28:00)

Plot hole: Right after the Joker goes into the cathedral with Vicky, Batman follows him with no one else entering in between the two parties. How then did Joker's goons get to the top of the cathedral before Batman or the chopper? They couldn't have planned it since Joker had to tell them where to pick him up, and they didn't know he would chase after Vicky to that particular location.

Plot hole: At the end, there is an explosion large enough to destroy and sink an entire ocean liner, but Julianna Margulies, who was sitting right next to where the explosion went off, not only lives, but is virtually unscathed? Yeah, right. (01:19:00 - 01:20:35)