Plot hole: When Rambo hijacks the Army truck, he throws out the driver, Robert A. and continues driving down the one-lane dirt road in the same direction. When Robert A. hits the ground, he immediately pops up and runs the opposite direction, away from where the truck is driving. A couple of shots later, we see a behind view of Robert A. running. It turns out that it is the driver's view from a Sheriff's vehicle. How could a car, especially a Sheriff's squad car, possibly come from that direction since it was a one-way road? And how could that same officer not see that the man driving the truck was Rambo?
Suggested correction: It isn't shown that no other roads join that one. It's therefore reasonable to assume the police car joined that road from a branch / connecting road and didn't encounter the truck.
Plot hole: The national guard leader says a dozer wouldn't be able to get to that area where the mine was blown up which supposedly was around 500 yards from where Trautman and Teasle were dropped off in the helicopter. But in the following scenes Rambo crawls through the mine which is nowhere near 500 yards long and when he comes out of the shaft he's right next to the road filled with trucks and other vehicles. So why can't a dozer get there?
Suggested correction: The dozer might be able to get to the general area but not specifically to the mine entrance, which is what he was talking about. Either way, it's a plot hole. Even if a dozer had got there, it wouldn't have made any difference. Rambo would have been gone before it got there, cleared the area, and got someone to try and follow him through the tunnels.