Plot hole: How do they maintain communication between the ship at the centre of the earth and the surface? There's no wire, and radio waves can only travel any distance without obstacles, and the earth's crust would be a pretty hefty obstacle...
Plot hole: In the scene where she goes to her house after escaping there is no police tape on the front door even though it is a crime scene. Earlier the police searched and taped her office - it only makes sense that they would do the same to her house.
Plot hole: When the Drakes (Bobby's family) arrive home they are acting quite naturally, until they find Wolverine there and get a start. Later on we see that they had parked their van in the driveway right behind Cyclops' car, which Logan and company had borrowed and parked there. Wouldn't they, seeing a strange car in their driveway, be suspicious or at least enter their house asking "Bobby, are you home?" (00:52:45 - 00:59:15)
Plot hole: The fearless trio is in the watch tower when the hillbillies set fire to it. Realizing their fate if they stay, the three then jump out the window and onto nearby tree branches in order to escape the blaze. After escaping the towering inferno, it seems that the fire dies immediately. These three don't go far after jumping and are in the trees for some time. Shouldn't there be a great glow and lots of noise and smoke from the fire as the watch tower burns down? (00:53:45 - 00:56:00)
Plot hole: In the institute, Will's friend gets out of his room to get the guard's keys. He couldn't have gotten out of his room because there isn't a handle or door lock inside the room.
Plot hole: Why would Madison Lee put the bomb in the car if she was so convinced that the Angels were dead? If she wanted to off them just in case, she could have shot them while they were unconscious. (01:21:50)
Plot hole: The suitcase with all the money is at the fake doctor guy. This makes absolutely no sense - it was given to the girl. Why would she hand it over to that guy when they could have done the splitting of the money right that night?
Plot hole: When the "black diamond" is being turned into its dangerous form, the arms dealers get very excited. Yet all they actually see is a very pretty laser show. There is nothing to show that the object really has any destructive power. Arms dealers make their fortunes by being cautious and smart. They shouldn't be so quick to accept the claims of the bad guy and bid money on possibly useless stones. (01:18:20)
Plot hole: Calden would almost certainly not be allowed into the autopsy room without some protection: a facemask, goggles, gloves. Not only to protect from errant bodily fluids (as we saw) but also to protect from any infectious diseases those fluids (or any escaping gasses) might carry. Also, he runs the risk of contaminating the evidence.
Plot hole: When the innkeeper is asked by the rich ex-actress to give her the key to a nice room, he gives her a key telling her that eight is cozy and the key has an 8 on it as well. But a few minutes later, when this woman is about to be murdered, she leaves her room (holding her mobile phone) and the door has a 9 on it. How can a key to the room 8 open the door of the room 9? [Still a mistake, but there's an explanation. In the DVD extras you can see a deleted scene in which she changes rooms because she wasn't happy with 8.]
Plot hole: How did a woman who had just escaped from a mental institution get out of the country so fast? Even if she had a passport already, she wouldn't have it - the hospital or her family would. How could she get it back from them without SOMEONE turning her back in to the institution? It takes a lot to get involuntarily committed in the US, and I doubt she could get un-committed that fast, even with the guy she tried to kill vouching for her.
Plot hole: Even assuming that creating a manhole underneath your own feet Looney Tunes-style shooting a gazillion bullets around you through the floor is a better battle strategy than using said bullets to shoot at the three remaining wolves charging at you in the small corridor, said creatures don't suddenly stop existing just because you fell down one floor, making their complete disappearance - they do not give chase through the hole or stairs nor even make as much of an angry sound throughout the rest of the scene.
Suggested correction: I think this is more a stupidity than a plot hole. She could have escaped or defeated the wolves in any kind of ways, it's not a plot hole that she escaped by using a tactic that is illogical but not impossible.
I would absolutely agree about the silly tactic itself, but there were pursuing werewolves in that corridor, and for the remainder of the scene she just faces Lucian. There's no explanation why they don't come through the same hole, or take the stairs, or claw a hole through like they seemed to easily do in Michael's apartment.Not even a snarl: she drops one floor and they are...gone? So that part feels like a plot hole to me.
Plot hole: Fitch should have been aware of Herman Grimes being a selected juror for it was revealed that everyone who received a jury summons for the case was photographed in the beginning of the movie. Herman would have received a summons just the same as the rest and would have been treated the same.
Plot hole: The truck was in front of all of them when they turned on with the green light, but it passes them when they are stuck with the red truck. So the crash happens moments past the light, so they would all be way past that point on the interstate.
Plot hole: It shows two air tanks missing on the boat. Now obviously when they get back to shore and all the tanks are put back, there would be two empty spaces, meaning hey, we forgot two people.
Suggested correction: True, but who says they didn't alert the authorities or return when they eventually realised it? Even if they did, the two divers drifted and were being stalked by sharks. It was set up earlier in the film when they showed their flawed way of tracking who went into the water and returned, so it makes sense that they overlooked what happened. There's also a scene when the boat returns where an employee notices two missing tanks, so they did notice it.
Plot hole: When we first see Lara in her wetsuit, she has a back pack attached to her harness, a torch on her left shoulder, some sort of pistol-thing on her thigh, her 5-barrel dart gun by her left buttock and a little pouch in the small of her back. In the temple she takes off the pistol-thing, dart gun and backpack, yet after climbing the statue manages to produce a video camera, safety spectacles and a cutting/welding device from somewhere.
Suggested correction: This isn't a plot hole. It's just your unfounded assumption. There's no evidence to support the supposition that the T-X has such audio detection capability.
Even if she could detect it, how could she discriminate between the sound of Catherine breathing and that of the dozens of caged animals in the room? That's stretching even fictional technology a little far.