Daffy Duck: Would it be too much to ask if we could make up our minds, hmmmm?

Raphael: Oh no, he's turning into that opera guy again.

Bugs Bunny: Like the man said: Don't take life too seriously. You'll never get out of it alive.

Daffy Duck: I guess he's gone now.
The Little Man from the Draft Board: Well, now, I wouldn't say that.

Daffy Duck: This is preposthterousth-th.

Bugs Bunny: Hey, look, folks! I'm ahead! I'm in the lead! I'm gonna win, yeah! Hooray for the rabbit! Hooray! Look at me go! Look at me go.

Charlie Brown: Holidays always depress me.
Sally Brown: I know what you mean. I went down to buy a turkey tree and all they have are things for Christmas.
Charlie Brown: For Christmas, already?

Bugs Bunny: Watch me paste this pathetic palooka with a powerful paralyzing perfect pachydermus percussion pitch.

Hubie: Bert, an average mouse eats 12 pounds of cheese in a lifetime. I figure tonight we've lived 2000 years.

Garfield: Why someone would murder a 23-year-old college professor was beyond me. Maybe he delivered just one too many lectures on the Boxer Rebellion. Stranger things have happened in this town.

Taxidermist: May I help you?
Woody Woodpecker: Yeah. How about a menu?
Taxidermist: I beg your pardon?
Woody Woodpecker: A menu, menu! M-E-N, men. Y-O-U, you. Menu.