Wallace: But Piella, you're the Bake-O-Lite girl.
Piella Bakewell: Was the Bake-O-Lite girl. I ate too much, you see.
Wallace: Oh, really?
Piella Bakewell: I couldn't ride the balloon anymore.
Wallace: Oh dear.
Piella Bakewell: So they dropped me.
Wallace: What a blow. Ooh.
Piella Bakewell: ME! A curse on bakers and their loathsome confections.

Scrooge: What's she cooking, a canary? Surely they have more food than that. Look on the fire.
Ghost of Christmas Present: Huh, where? Oh, that's your laundry.

Bugs Bunny: Look, Doc. Do I go around nailing signs over your house? Do I? There's still such a thing as private property, you know. Did you ever hear about the inalienable right of the sanctity of the home?

Wallace: Cracking toast, Gromit.

Elmer Fudd: Good widdence to bad wubbish.

Jake: Just how I like 'em... all big and big-like.

Lucy van Pelt: Linus, have you seen Charlie Brown?
Linus van Pelt: Nobody has seen him since Snoopy's magic show. I just talked to Sally, and she said even when you look at him, you don't see him.
Lucy van Pelt: What's that supposed to mean? That's the dumbest thing I ever heard.

Lion: Greetings, my good friends. You all, undoubtedly, have been under the delusion or shall I say, misapprehension, that we of the cartoon animal kingdom, are lacking in the finer sensibilities. Now to disprove this we shall ask you to forget our formal pranks and playfulness. We ask you in the name of dignity, and art to put yourselves in a receptive frame of mind. And not to expect of us the foolery, and clowning you generally associate us with. And now, to an all musical program.

Olaf: I can't read... or spell.

Yosemite Sam: That consarn idjit rabbit bit me nose.

Lucy van Pelt: What are you doing, Charlie Brown?
Charlie Brown: I'm waiting for valentines.
Lucy van Pelt: Oh, well. Good luck.
Charlie Brown: Thank you.
Lucy van Pelt: You'll need it.
Charlie Brown: You didn't have to say that!

Daffy Duck: Swing music. Jazz. Phooey! Ah, bublichas, how difference in my native willage. Soft music, wiolins, the happy peoples sitting on their balalaikas, playing their samovars. And then, there was Cucaracha. Ah, Cucaracha: so round, so firm, so fully packed, and so easy on the draw. They would sink to me a little gypsy love song, like this. Listen. CUCARA-CHA! Cucaracha, cucaracha - hoo hoo hoo hoo! Cucaracha, cucaracha - hoohoohoohoo.

Announcer: The dogs are going into their starting boxes. Now they're on edge for this race. Bill's Bunion looks a little sore. Pneumatic Tire's rounding into shape. Father's Moustache looks a little droopy. Motorman's Glove will have a hand in it. Bride's Biscuit is hard as a rock. Grandpa's Folly is out of it. He's being scratched.

Texan: A birthday cake! Now who coulda knowed it was my birthday? Especially when it t'ain't.