Best short movie quotes of 1949

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Long-Haired Hare picture

Bugs: Of course you know, this means WAR.

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The Grey Hounded Hare picture

Announcer: The dogs are going into their starting boxes. Now they're on edge for this race. Bill's Bunion looks a little sore. Pneumatic Tire's rounding into shape. Father's Moustache looks a little droopy. Motorman's Glove will have a hand in it. Bride's Biscuit is hard as a rock. Grandpa's Folly is out of it. He's being scratched.

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High Diving Hare picture

Yosemite Sam: I paid my four bits to see the high-diving act and I'm a-gonna see the high-diving act.

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The Windblown Hare picture

Bugs Bunny: Why, Granny! You're just a wolf in cheap clothing.

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Out-Foxed picture

English Fox: Ladies and gentlemen, fear not for my safety. After all, I am smart as a fox, you know.

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