Best sci-fi movie stupidity of all time

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Outland picture

Stupidity: When the shuttle arrives with the assassins, O'Niel is shown loading a shotgun, then he carries that gun when he runs to his office. When he leaves his office again to confront the assassins he grabs another shotgun from the locker. Why didn't he just grab the gun he walked in with?


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Dragonball Evolution picture

Stupidity: The characters wish for the resurrection of just one person (Roshi) rather than everyone killed by Piccolo as would be natural (and as they do in anime and manga). Okay, Piccolo in this movie sucks at killing and resurrecting Muten covers 50% of the total body count, but they can't know that.


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Outbreak picture

Stupidity: The 4th/5th person to be infected is a technician who stupidly puts his hand into a just-turned-off centrifuge without looking.


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Alita: Battle Angel picture

Stupidity: In 300 years, in an empoverished world full of people hungry for techs, nobody ever tried to remove the ship from a small pond barely 15 feet deep, and everything inside seems intact. It is mentioned that few tried because the technology is hard to sell being unknown (which is laughable), but surely some would try to strip the ship for alloys, and certainly the lights and monitors wouldn't stay untouched in a world based on scavenging. For 300 years and so close to the city, even.


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RoboCop picture

Stupidity: Robocop is just about to be unveiled to the press for the first time, and they decide right beforehand is the perfect time to upload a massive amount of data, including his own attempted murder. Then, they seem shocked when that causes problems. No reason to do that right before a very public, time-sensitive moment except for the sake of the plot.

Jon Sandys

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Snake Eyes picture

Stupidity: While Tommy and Snake Eyes are trying to escape the docks in the truck, the Yakuza men surround the truck and stab over a dozen swords in all parts of the cab. Not one of the men ever thinks to use their sword to slash the tires, allowing the heroes to make an easy escape.


More Snake Eyes stupidity
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom picture

Stupidity: During the auction, we see the dinosaurs are brought into the room and placed in the middle. Thus blocking half of the bidders from the auctioneer's view. (01:16:40)


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Suggested correction: He couldn't hear someone calling out?

Maybe so, but an auction house requires you to have a number assigned so that auctioneer can write it on his log so the house knows who won and who has entered into a contract to buy. Thus they need to see the bidder.


More Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom stupidity
Armageddon picture

Stupidity: Colonel Sharpe retrieves a gun from a locker on the Freedom shuttle. However, said gun is shown lying flat on the floor of the compartment, with no visible means of securing it, which would hardly be standard NASA procedure given the shuttle undergoes a high-G launch, orbital manoeuvres and various other high acceleration events. A loaded gun bouncing around is the last thing anyone would allow on a shuttle. (01:42:39)


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Spider-Man: No Way Home picture

Stupidity: We know that the two 'special visitors' have been in our universe longer than a day. Despite being capable, smart, heroic figures, they did diddly-squat until the plot says so, since they haven't tracked down the very public (they recognize them) partners of Spiderman, they don't show up for the battle broadcast by JJJ on giant screens, but more importantly, they do not know who the "Avengers" are, showing they didn't look into Peter's history - the name would have popped up in relation to Stark, the blip and much more. Seems that they didn't even try to look for him.


More Spider-Man: No Way Home stupidity
Avatar picture

Stupidity: Having become the leader of the universe's most stealthy fighters, he promptly leads them in a Custer-esque noisy frontal charge into a force with known weapon and technology superiority. Zero effort to utilize ANY of their amazing stealth, just have them slaughtered so badly that the planet has to sacrifice animals to save them from extinction.

More Avatar stupidity
Killer Klowns From Outer Space picture

Stupidity: Knowing that the Klowns' noses are their weak point from previously shooting them, Dave doesn't bother to shoot the giant Klown at the end with his pistol, instead waiting to be almost crushed and finally popping it with his badge pin.

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Suggested correction: He was trying to shoot it, but he ran out of bullets just before it grabbed him.


More Killer Klowns From Outer Space stupidity
Zack Snyder's Justice League picture

Stupidity: To save the people from rubble falling on their heads Flash does not move them aside like he did with his future love, but does some strange manoeuvre which takes seconds - since we see people moving normally - and happens in midair (how does he get there?) and that does not take care of a huge chunk of concrete which he does nothing about, shouting just "No!", but Cyborg has all the time he needs to load his Mega Man arm and vaporize it in midair. (02:00:00)


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Suggested correction: The missiles have a pretty decent head start as they are launched while Superman is still in captivity. When we see him catch up to the first one, we see that he is flying faster than the missile, but not by much. Just enough to catch up.


More Superman stupidity
Life picture

Stupidity: Why didn't they take out the crushed hand guy while the creature was fumbling inside the glove? Plenty of time to do it. Why did no one use a knife to stab the creature?

More Life stupidity
The Suicide Squad picture

Stupidity: When the rebel leader talks to Rick Flag guaranteeing her help, she mentions that she will help to find "this Gaius Grieves", speaking as if it was someone unknown to her. He's been around the island (going to bars and surely not being reclusive) for 30 years; it's pretty difficult to think it would not be one of the most known people on the island, given his role, unique appearance and the small community.


More The Suicide Squad stupidity
Ghostbusters 2 picture

Stupidity: Everyone laughs off any reference to the supernatural and the Ghostbusters being any more than hacks. However, they drilled a hole that unveiled a literal river of pink glowing goo that is even brought up at the trial; nobody investigates its origin or acknowledges the fact, which is exceedingly absurd since it involves heavy pollution of the underground system of a metropolis.


More Ghostbusters 2 stupidity
Escape From L.A. picture

Stupidity: When Snake is surfing up to Eddie's car, all Eddie had to do was hit the brakes and Snake would have helplessly surfed right past him. But instead he accelerated, idiotically.

Gavin Jackson

More Escape From L.A. stupidity
Ghostbusters: Afterlife picture

Stupidity: The whole movie happens for unbelievably convoluted causes. Despite their friendship and the simple fact that he still runs an occult shop (showing that he's not exactly insensitive to the past), Ray in years never spent a single moment to check on Egon's whereabouts, which he knew, or listen to him. The city has Shandor's name all over and any cursory investigation would have unveiled the connection. Assuming of course that Egon turned into such a lunatic he couldn't do the namedropping himself.


More Ghostbusters: Afterlife stupidity
Hollow Man picture

Stupidity: In the freezer you can see the electrical wire power cord that is powering the motor on the wall. She could have easily pulled/ ripped the wire to stop the freezer from working. And when the chemical bomb is in the mixer they could have unplugged the machine which would stop it from going off.

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Hot Tub Time Machine picture

Stupidity: When the bellhop is in the elevator and it looks like this is where he loses his arm, he spends a few minutes trying to stop the elevator. All he had to do was let go of the luggage and he would have been able to easily bring his arm in.


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