Stupidity: Colonel Sharpe retrieves a gun from a locker on the Freedom shuttle. However, said gun is shown lying flat on the floor of the compartment, with no visible means of securing it, which would hardly be standard NASA procedure given the shuttle undergoes a high-G launch, orbital manoeuvres and various other high acceleration events. A loaded gun bouncing around is the last thing anyone would allow on a shuttle. (01:42:39)

Stupidity: Robin uses the high pressure water from the pump to neutralize the bear next to Batman (which is like 10 meters away from him and still the water jet is so strong that it pushes the 1000 pounds bear away and flips it on its back,), but does not use it to push away the other bear that is literally breathing on his face centimeters away from him. He has all the space and time to do that (especially after Batman's intervention). (00:50:30)