Other mistake: When McCroskey gets the information about Joe Seluchi, he's told that Seluchi purchased life insurance and was impotent. McCroskey informs Ted about Seluchi and the bomb he's carrying but nothing else. When Ted confronts Seluchi, he mentions both the insurance and the impotence.

Other mistake: Towards the end of the movie, when Superman drops Gus off at the coal mine, Gus begins talking with the coal miners about him and Superman. He then rips open his shirt (as if he had a Superman costume on underneath). How did Gus know that Clark Kent tore his shirt like that in order to change into Superman, or keeps his suit under his clothes at all? The only people who know this fact are the ones who have seen the transformation from Clark to Superman, i.e. the audience.

Other mistake: During the miniaturizing scene the technicians controlling the forklift wore sterile gloves, the nurses assembling the syringe did not.

Other mistake: Pretty much everyone in the film, especially Alice, seems to be able to fire their weapons without reloading at all.

Other mistake: So let me get this straight: Optimus Prime has Energon Swords hidden in both of his arms, with which he can slice through an entire Decepticon in one chop, yet when he is hanging from a few wires, despite having one arm entirely free, he can't cut himself loose?

Other mistake: When Frenzy attacks Sam, the teenager wears straight leg jeans with a narrow leg opening (not boot cut) and thick-soled Nikes, seen in numerous shots, as he kicks at the Decepticon. After the cut to Mikaela (who finds the reciprocating saw), during which Frenzy has already pulled off the bottom of Sam's jeans, Sam continues to kick and scream just before he gets up and runs. Problem is Sam still wears both thick-soled Nikes, neither of which slipped off as Frenzy maniacally pulled the jeans, with narrow leg openings, from his kicking legs/feet. Impossible even in the best of circumstances.

Other mistake: Towards the end of the movie, Carmen hands a guy some 3D glasses with a crack in one of the lenses and says something like "Sorry it's the last one," but less than a minute later hands a different guy a pair of 3D glasses.

Other mistake: The video stream displayed in the night sky showing which tributes have died after the first day does not add up correctly. They display in district order. We see the start, the girl from three (so the boy is still alive), and the boy from four with no breaks. Then they break away to show Katniss and the control room, after which they continuously show the boy and girl from seven, the boy from eight (so the girl is still alive), the girl from nine (so the boy is still alive), and then fade to the end. We know that Foxface, the girl from five, dies later in the movie. Even if we assume that during the portion not shown, the girl from four, the boy from five, and both tributes from six are dead, that's only a total of ten. Thirteen are supposed to be dead at that point in the movie. (01:16:20)

Other mistake: As the Veridian star is destroyed, Picard raises his hand to supposedly shield his eyes from the sun's light, but he is looking in the wrong direction; the sun is behind him, and there is no light on the rest of the front of his body.

Other mistake: When Sugimura is looking for Kotohiki, he activates his scanner to see if she is nearby. The scanner shows her location, but fails to show either Mitsuko or Kiriyama, who show up quickly after.

Other mistake: With how fast Alexander is traveling through time, when the pendant falls out of the time machine, he shouldn't be able to see it fall or hear it hitting the ground.

Other mistake: Near the end of the closing credits, when the Warner Bros. Copyright appears, you'll see the very first word "All" spelled incorrectly as "Al" in "All material is protected by Copyright Laws of the United States and other countries throughout the world." (01:26:40)

Other mistake: In the music within the ending credits, the lyrics incorrectly state that Raph is the leader of the group when all Turtle fans past and present know it is Leo.

Other mistake: When they encounter the first ant, the policeman runs out of ammo, but the FBI agent fires at least nine shots. Not bad for a snubnose revolver that holds 5 or 6 rounds.

Other mistake: After the crash landing in the desert, when the astronauts are preparing to head out on foot, Brubaker states that he will continue west, then tells Walker to go north, and Willis to go south. Brubaker heads out straight ahead, Walker goes to the left, and Willis to the right, meaning that Walker was actually going south, and Willis to the north. (01:04:40)

Other mistake: When Deckard visits the Tyrell Corporation, he prepares to test Rachel with the "VK" machine. He is shown putting his briefcase of the table and lifting the "VK" machine out and onto the table. If you look closely, the "VK" machine is already on the table and Harrison Ford is miming the lifting - there is nothing in his hands! (00:19:45)

Other mistake: During the Battle of Teth (the pillared jungle planet), the AT-TE's shoot the ledge at the top and there's not a single mark on the ledge afterwards, despite being hit with several joules worth of fire.

Other mistake: To escape from the elevator, Anakin cuts a hole in the ceiling. Later, when they rescue the Chancellor, they almost get crushed by another elevator (it is another one. Each elevator has a number. Obi Wan said the number of this elevator before and it was different than the one that had the hole). However, when a shot of this elevator is shown, it has the same hole that the other elevator has (better seen in slow motion).

Other mistake: The old man executed in District 11 was shot in the head from behind. However, when Katniss looks out the window from above there are no blood stains on the floor, nor is there a gunshot wound to the head. (00:20:50 - 00:22:30)

Other mistake: During the storm scene in the beginning of the movie, the astronauts' faces inside the helmets are brightly lit, meaning there's a light source pointed directly in their face. That's something that would render them mostly blind and unable to see and appears to be nothing but a dramatic effect for the camera. (00:05:00 - 00:08:00)