Other mistake: When Durant uses his cigar cutter to cut off Eddie's fingers, no blood is shown squirting from his severed digits and no blood is seen on the cigar cutter. (00:05:15)

Other mistake: During the storm scene in the beginning of the movie, the astronauts' faces inside the helmets are brightly lit, meaning there's a light source pointed directly in their face. That's something that would render them mostly blind and unable to see and appears to be nothing but a dramatic effect for the camera. (00:05:00 - 00:08:00)

Other mistake: Leo Crow grabs Anderton's gun and they each fight for control of it. Crow succeeds in forcing Anderton's hand to pull the trigger, killing Crow. The problem is, right after the gun is fired, we see a shot of Anderton with his arm fully extended and with his entire hand holding the entire gun, as if he had aimed and fired the gun himself. Such a sequence of events is at least totally illogical if not physically impossible. (01:44:10)

Other mistake: When Vers is using the payphone across from Blockbuster, the phone says it costs 25 cents for a call, but down below there is a big notice on the phone saying effective Nov. 1, 1995 the rate is going up to 25 cents. Trouble is it is June 1995, still five months before the rate change, and yet it already costs 25 cents. (00:25:40)

Other mistake: In the penal scene with the pyramid, Yulaw knocks a person off the pyramid, and he rolls down the steps. A short way down, he stops rolling, and you can see him push himself off another step to get himself rolling again. (01:16:40)

Other mistake: When Kylo/Ben leaves the Endor system to go to Exogol, he takes an old Imperial TIE Fighter he supposedly found in the Death Star remains. However, it is established in the previous films that that TIE fighters are short range fighters that are not equipped with a hyperdrive.

Other mistake: The brief chess game (four moves) shown in the beginning of the movie makes absolutely no sense. For instance: There are no white bishops on the board, but after the human player taps a few buttons, the computer says that he just moved one. Within the two moves described first, the positions of the pieces change completely. In addition, some pieces are now gone and there are new pieces on the board. It's like an entirely different game. The final move is said to have been made with a black rook, which is impossible. In the shot shown before this move, there is not a single position available to that chess piece that would result in an instant checkmate. Nothing in the editing indicates that these few short shots are supposed to be viewed as separate games. (00:04:50)

Other mistake: In the tanker truck/pick-up truck chase, after the tanker rams the pick-up and destroys the wooden shelter in the bed, you can see the Terminator turn the steering wheel right but the truck turns left instead. You have to look very closely to see this.

Other mistake: When in the cave, Leia falls and is caught by Han. She tells him that "being held by you isn't quite enough to get me excited." As she is saying this you can see Harrison Ford mouthing her exact words. (00:44:05)

Other mistake: At the end, when Peter saves Mary Jane from the collapsing structure, he jumps up in the air and swings her to safety. However if you look at the web he is holding onto it is hanging down vertically. What did he attach the web to that was directly above him, the sky? Every bit of the structure around him was/had collapsed and the only thing remotely close to swing from was the cranes. Yet we see that was quite a distance away, so Peter would have had to shoot the web away from himself not above him. (01:47:50)

Other mistake: It's been stated that Danny doesn't know how to read. This is evidenced by the fact that Walter has to read every card that Danny gets. When Danny first finds the game, he's able to read and even pronounce Zathura accurately even though he is illiterate.

Other mistake: Sam draws an orange vest for Lockwood using a dark crayon. (01:10:45)

Other mistake: When all of the raptors look at Owen from the perspective of their head mounted cameras, they are all looking at him from roughly the same angle, despite being a distance from each other. (01:34:05)

Other mistake: When Marty returns to 1985 from 1885 the time machine is destroyed by a train. What is strange is that not only does the train not stop (which is mandatory in the event of an accident) but there is also no reaction from people nearby, such as those in the vehicles waiting to cross the track at the level crossing. Later, when Marty returns to the site with Jennifer, there is still no sign of police officers or other officials.

Other mistake: After Zak and Francesca get through the giant fan, Zak unscrews the vent cover and it drops like a rock, but as the camera pans out you can see that everyone is still frozen. So, wouldn't that mean that the cover is supposed to look like it dangles in mid-air and be in normal time? (01:13:54)

Other mistake: At the very beginning of the movie, when the guy throws the match into the house, it doesn't enter through the window. The match crashes and bounces back, but the fire inside the house still occurs. (00:02:40)

Other mistake: There is a patch on the jacket Harley (Rourke) wears, that appears and disappears throughout the movie. It's on the front lower right side. It is there when he's standing outside their friends' bar with Marlboro, it's gone when they are inside.

Other mistake: Catherine lives in apartment 1 on the first floor, but she goes in to apartment 4 on the second floor and right in front of Neil's apartment. (00:06:26 - 01:10:28)

Other mistake: Whenever you get a look at the highways, they're clean. At this point in the future vegetation would've gathered on the highways.

Other mistake: As Dark Helmet says his line "Everybody knows that!", watch the crewman in white to Helmet's right. He starts to cover his crotch a beat too soon.
Suggested correction: A TIE fighter would never survive the death star crash. Kylo/Ben probably called for a TIE and took that.
But it's an old Imperial TIE, not a new First Order one.
Jon Sandys ★
Good point.