Question: I'm a little confused about Greta's death. Was it from eating too much or from her eating what was not good for her?
Answer: In the VHS version, Freddy cut open her stomach and was feeding her own intestines. That's why when he cut open the doll on the high chair tray Greta was wincing and squirming as Freddy had just cut her stomach open. I guess you could say that that doll on the high chair tray was like a voodoo doll of Greta so whatever Freddy did to it happened to Greta too. Eventually, Freddy caused Greta to choke on her own intestines which caused her to choke to death in the real world.

Question: In the beginning, Thomas wakes up in the Box which is moving up. He discovers an animal in the cage. It looks like a black pig. The pig apparently isn't shown anymore in the rest of the movie. Why the hell is the black pig in the Box?
Chosen answer: It is just part of the supplies that is sent up each month, along with a new boy. Everything the maze residents have has been supplied to them. That includes rudimentary tools, vegetable seeds, food, and various other supplies and equipment. The pig is just livestock that will likely be butchered for meat.

Question: What was that first body in the woods that looked like Muffin? It couldn't have been Muffin because she shows up at the end right?
Answer: It never really says what the body is, but I'd assume it were a rabbit or some other small woodland creature. It can't be Muffin because, like you said, Muffin appears later on.

Question: I was really confused by the ending, who were the three figures we kept seeing, and what were they trying to do?
Answer: The figures are spirits who figured out how to contact the living, like Michael Keaton's wife. But where his wife wants him to help others, the three spirits are evil and want to only do bad things.

Question: What song is playing as Christine is crushing Darnell against the steering wheel?
Answer: "I've Got A Girl Named Boney Maroney" by Larry Williams.

Question: Why is Mike standing in the corner? Is he kept alive to be standing?
Chosen answer: During the beginning interviews with the townspeople, the one guy tells how the killer, Parr, would make his victims stand in the corner as he killed the other kids. He didn't like the way they would look at him, so he made them stand in the corner.

Question: I just saw this movie for the first time and I have three questions for it. First, is Freddy supposed to be a ghost or something or did he not really die? Second, how was Nancy able to bring his hat back after her dream? Third, what was with the ending and Nancy's mom? Was it a dream or real?
Answer: 1. Freddy is the ghost of a child killer, he is very difficult to be rid of. He did not die at the end of this film. 2. It is possible to bring items and even people in and out of the dream world. Although it is never explained in detail how. 3. It was a dream, but as seen in the film, that's not a good thing.

Question: This is what I don't get. The mansion actually belongs to who? Wadsworth or Mr Broddy?
Chosen answer: Tim Curry (as Wadsworth) states he knew about the secret passages because the house belongs to a friend of his. Tim Curry (as Mr. Boddy) says at the end of the movie that they "Could stack the bodies in the cellar and could all leave one by one." Which infers that Mr. Boddy has no intention of returning to the house. Either way, there is no definite way to tell who the house belongs to considering all the lying going on.

Question: This might be subjective, but why does the Enterprise take so much damage, especially interior damage, long before the shields actually collapse?
Chosen answer: There's a limit as to how much the shields can protect the ship. Depending on the force of the explosions, the ship still suffers some damage from any weapon blasts. Also, the shield only holds for so long and gradually loses it protectiveness with successive attacks, causing increasing damage to the ship.
Answer: The depiction of the shields in this movie is actually interesting because it seems they deliberately tried to show how the ship could plausibly take damage while the shields are up. Here the shields seem to be "on" the hull (or perhaps emanate from the hull itself) and their function seems specific to preventing hull breaches. In TNG and onwards the shields appear as a kind of energy bubble wrapped around the ship, and accordingly they seem to absorb much more impact.

Question: In the scene where the main characters are talking about their peculiar behaviours i.e.- "Stokely, since when did you start liking boys" and "What, Delilah, you haven't gone without hairspray and contacts since birth". Can anyone please tell me what Delilah means when she says to Casey- "And Casey, since when did you become Sigourney Weaver?" I have never understood what it means but I think it might have some reference to the movie "Alien".
Answer: That's exactly right. Weaver fought aliens in all the "Alien" movies.

Question: At the end he sees the Statue of Liberty on the beach. How did the statue get there from Ellis Island?
Answer: He's in the same location as Ellis Island. Thousands of years have resulted in significant changes geographically.
Answer: The statue was destroyed during the nuclear war at some point in the past. The remnant of it had washed ashore to where Taylor finds it.

Question: Why does the girl cut her dad's throat, if she knew that it would fulfill the curse?
Answer: She was trying to help him breathe.

Question: This was produced by the Walt Disney Production Company. Unlike other Disney films that were family friendly, this one had a dark tone to it and even terrifying moments. Why would the Disney Production company help produce this film considering how scary it is? It seems unusual considering that a lot of the movies they made were more light-hearted.
Answer: Disney at the time was trying to break the stereotype of only producing family-oriented animation films. So they were interested in making more mature films, especially ones targeted to the teen audience. At the time they had already produced "The Watcher in the Woods" and "Dragonslayer". "Something Wicked This Way Comes" was toned down though and some things deemed too dark were removed. It should be noted, this was also the last film under the Walt Disney Production label.

Question: Is Tommy supposed to be the "next" Jason? I'm really confused by the ending.
Answer: Yes, originally Tommy was going to be the new Jason. But the makers decided to go in a different direction for part 6.

Question: I heard in the DVD commentary that what the Russian gangsters are saying in the beginning is total bull, because they ran out of time to translate the actual dialogue. Is there anyone from Russia, or who speaks Russian, that can understand what they are saying?
Answer: Yes, I can speak Russian, and what they said in the movie did make sense but they spoke so horribly it was almost impossible to understand them. But it wasn't bull.
But what was said?

Question: In the middle of the movie, one of the doctors tells the others of John Merrick, aka The Elephant Man. They show him for a few seconds Disrobed.. What is the point of showing Merrick in the movie? This scene seems totally isolated from the rest of the plot. It almost feels like they had an extra minute to kill and decided to add it in.
Answer: In the original book, Merrick's appearance is used to show William Gull's education, expertise as an anatomist and that he recognises and respects cultural diversity - Gull assures Merrick that, had he been born in India, he would be worshipped as a descendant of the elephant-headed god, Ganesa. In this spirit, Gull even offers the victim of his first Ripper slaying to Ganesa as a sacrifice, as Indians make a sacrifice to Ganesa at the beginning of an important enterprise. Merrick is present as a vehicle to establish the rich nature of Gull's character. When it comes to the film, however, this subtlety is completely lost - it seems very much that the scriptwriter noted Merrick's appearance in the book and felt that it would be cool to include the character in his script. As such, as you point out, it does feel that Merrick's presence, stripped of the subtleties of the book, is almost entirely pointless.

Question: In the original film, the Discovery's onboard computer states: "I am a HAL 9000 Computer, Production Number 3. I became operational at the HAL plant in Urbana, Illinois, on the 12th of January, 1992." So, "HAL" was a manufacturer identification prefix (standing for Heuristically-programmed ALgorithmic Computers), "9000" was its model number, and "No.3" was its production lineage. In this sequel, however, Dr. Chandra is chatting with one of HAL's earth-based twin computers which has a feminine voice and is called "SAL"; but how can they arbitrarily change its manufacturer identification prefix? Being produced by the HAL plant in Urbana, Illinois, and being identical to the computer aboard the Discovery, the twin's name should have a different production number, but it should still be called "HAL," should it not?
Answer: The most likely reason the name was changed was probably a literary one. It makes it easier for the audience to differentiate SAL from HAL, showing how they are two distinct computers playing different roles in the film. It may also just be a feminine nickname being that SAL has a female voice.
I thought perhaps "SAL" was a nickname, also, until I saw that the computer's maker nameplate reads "SAL 9000" (visible in close-ups of SAL's glowing eye).
Answer: Her death was from Freddy overfeeding her while in the real world she choked to death.