Question: When Harry finds Eliot tied up, he removes the tape and tells him that the kidnappers have been caught. Why did Eliot confess to being the actual mastermind behind the kidnapping? Harry had no idea it was Eliot behind it all so he could have gotten away with it if he didn't say anything.

Question: I'm a little confused about Greta's death. Was it from eating too much or from her eating what was not good for her?
Answer: Her death was from Freddy overfeeding her while in the real world she choked to death.
Answer: In the VHS version, Freddy cut open her stomach and was feeding her own intestines. That's why when he cut open the doll on the high chair tray Greta was wincing and squirming as Freddy had just cut her stomach open. I guess you could say that that doll on the high chair tray was like a voodoo doll of Greta so whatever Freddy did to it happened to Greta too. Eventually, Freddy caused Greta to choke on her own intestines which caused her to choke to death in the real world.

Question: Why did Louis kill Church at the end? He only planned on killing Gage if he came back like Timmy Baterman did, and he could have just walked in after distracting Church with the meat.
Chosen answer: Church's behavior had changed after being buried. He was now violent (and working with Gage) and needed to be put down before killing anyone.

Question: In the later scene where the two Asian gang members are being interrogated to discover who hired them, they jokingly say something to each other in their own language, the translator cop makes some smug comment back, and then reveals to Steven Bauer that their employer was Lauderdale. Is anyone able to translate what was said during this little exchange?
Answer: More than likely, it was probably something made up and meaningless. But of course, we would never know because it's Vietnamese. The best you can do is have a Vietnamese person view that part of the film and get them to translate it if it was actually a real sentence being spoken, which I doubt.
Answer: Eliot mistakenly believed that Harry had figured out what his part was in the kidnapping, and, exasperated by Harry's dumb luck, Eliot stupidly confessed. He was then arrested.
raywest ★