Best mystery movie questions of all time

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Practical Magic picture

Question: Near the end when Sally is in the circle with Gilly, there is a series of flashbacks. There is a shot of a woman with curly shoulder length hair surrounded by white. Who is she? She's not their mother as she has long straight hair.

Answer: She is the one from the opening sequence, their "great, great, great" grandmother who started the whole "curse" thing.

Bruce Minnick

More Practical Magic questions

Chosen answer: Her last line is "I wish you love".

More Eye of the Beholder questions
Saw X picture

Question: What happens to the lady after the film ends that has her head in the hole? As during the film, she shows she has no morals. In the rest of the movies, you never hear her name mentioned or what happened to her. But surely, with him trapping her and taking the money at the end, it would piss her off enough to want to get the money back and seek revenge on him.

Answer: If I'm not mistaken, the room she was in was locked. She may have been able to survive the trap by sticking her head through the opening, but if she has no way of leaving the room, eventually she would starve to death.


Answer: There's no definitive answer. It's left purposely ambiguous, presumably in case they want to bring the character back in the future. (There is a deleted scene on the Blu-Ray showing the door opening on its own once the countdown hits zero, so presumably she is able to escape.) As for her coming for him... we simply don't know. It's possible she'll show up again in a future film. But you also have to factor in that John has a LOT of evidence on her criminal misdeeds... so he likely could have her arrested and jailed if she comes for him.


More Saw X questions

Chosen answer: In the pub Danny demonstrates using a ketchup packet to simulate stabbing himself in the eye. Later in the film he returns Nicholas Angel's notebook, hiding a ketchup packet in it. He stabs the pocket with the notebook, causing the ketchup to leak and simulate blood.

More Hot Fuzz questions
Blue Velvet picture

Question: When Jeffrey and Sandy are discussing where Isabella Rossellini lived, it is mentioned that she lived on the 7th floor of the apartment building. When they show the outside of the building it appears to have only 4 floors. Was this symbolic or an oversight?

Answer: There's probably not any symbolic meaning, despite the number seven having multiple magical connotations to it. Most likely, this is just a movie inconsistency.


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Bubba Ho-Tep picture

Question: When Elvis trades places with Sebastian Haff, his limo plate is AZN-700. Later when he is driving Haff's car, the plate is the same. Obviously two cars with different owners can't have the same plates, so it's probably a reference of some sort. Anyone know if that's the case, and if so, what?

Grumpy Scot

Chosen answer: There's no significance I can find anywhere for the number "AZN-700" - it's just a fake plate they used twice due to the limited budget, and its repeated use is a mistake.

More Bubba Ho-Tep questions
Death Warrant picture

Question: Why was Burke's arm bleeding when he was hiding on the vents near the ceiling of the record room?

Answer: In the scene before that he scraped and cut his arm on the file cabinet as he was closing it looking for information.

More Death Warrant questions
Psycho II picture

Question: Spoiler alert: this question gives away much of the first "Psycho" movie. In the original Alfred Hitchcock "Psycho" we witness Norman Bates murdering Janet Leigh/Marion Crane and Martin Balsam/Milton Arbogast, and very narrowly missing killing Vera Miles/Lila Crane. At the end of the movie we discover that Norman Bates had murdered his mother and her lover ten years previously. We are also told that he had killed two female guests at Bates Motel. Norman Bates is therefore guilty of six murders and one attempted murder. In Psycho II we find out that, after his crimes were discovered, Norman Bates was placed in a secure psychiatric institution for the criminally insane. This does seem plausible. But with such a criminal record, would he ever be released from incarceration?

Rob Halliday

Answer: Norman was found "not guilty" by reason of insanity. Therefore, once he is deemed to be no longer a danger to himself, or to others, and is released from the mental institution, there is no crime he can be sent to jail for (i.e. he has no criminal record for the murders). I haven't done enough research to tell you if a serial killer in recent times has ever been found not guilty by reason of insanity and subsequently been released, but there are numerous accounts of people being released from mental institutions after committing murder that are then considered free.


More Psycho II questions

Chosen answer: The movie never explicitly says; but science is as yet unsure what happens to a given piece of matter once it crosses a black hole's event horizon, so who knows? The ship could have been thrown seven years forward in time, or far enough away that it took seven years for it to drift close to Neptune. Pick any explanation you like.

More Event Horizon questions
The Fog picture

Question: Why did the ghosts of the Elisabeth Dane try to kill Stevie?

Answer: Six lives for the six members who betrayed them a hundred years ago.

'But Stevie wasn't connected to the six conspirators.

The ghosts didn't care about their victims' lineage.

Jukka Nurmi

Answer: I always took it as an attempt to stop her since she was trying to warn the town over the radio.

More The Fog questions
In the Heat of the Night picture

Question: If Ralph has robbed the victim, how come Harvey can also steal his money?

Answer: He didn't. After Ralph killed Mr. Colbert, he stole his wallet. He took the money and threw it away. Harvey found the empty wallet, and that's why the police charged him with murder.

More In the Heat of the Night questions
Mr. Brooks picture

Question: What were the last lines of the movie?

Answer: Marshall's line was, "Why do you fight it so hard, Earl?" Earl Brook's was, "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time and enjoying one moment at a time, accepting hardships as the pathway to peace. Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is and not as I would have it, trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His will, that I may be reasonably happy in this life, and supremely happy with Him forever in the next. Amen."

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Answer: She was posing as the mother of the little boy who lived adjacent to Andy and Tracy.

Alan Keddie

More Malice questions
Freelancers picture

Question: Who does Malo end up shooting when Baez forces him to shoot his friend or the girl? I think he shot the girl but I'm not 100% sure since his friend never resurfaced in the movie.

Answer: Well the girl is alive at the end so, he shot his friend.

More Freelancers questions
The Da Vinci Code picture

Question: As Robert Langdon sinks to his knees on top of the Louvre at the very end of the film over Mary Magdalene's tomb, what is the music playing? It's very uplifting and would logically be the last track on the soundtrack, but on listening to a sample on iTunes, the style of the tracks seem completely different.


Chosen answer: The track is "Chevaliers de Sangreal" on the official soundtrack. It's the second to the last track (13).

More The Da Vinci Code questions
Hereditary picture

Question: Not sure this is a movie mistake. When the mom is sawing off her own head, wouldn't the sawing have stopped once she cut through her spinal cord? The muscles in her arms/hands would have gone limp and her head would not completely fall off - though it would fall forward. You don't actually see her head fall but you hear the bang on the floor and her head is missing at the end.


Answer: There were supernatural forces at work, so basic rules of human anatomy and physics don't really apply in the situation.


Answer: When she's sawing off her own head, she's also suspended about 12 feet in the air. Afterwards, you also see the headless mom's body levitating up to the treehouse. So, obviously, there were powerful demonic forces that suspended her in the air, sawed off her head, then carried her up into the treehouse.

Charles Austin Miller

More Hereditary questions
Boogeyman picture

Question: In the preview for this movie, there is chanting in the background of something that ends with 'When you see him count to five, pray that you will stay alive.' What, if anything, is this?

Answer: This is a made up children's rhyme just like the "Nightmare on Elm Street" series has "One, two, Freddy's coming for you, three, four, better lock the door,..."


Answer: It's from the TV Spot for the Boogeyman from 2005. This is the clip that it comes from. The rhyme haunted me for a long time and I'm glad I'm not the only one who remembers it! It goes: When you're scared just count to ten, you will feel all good again. When it's dark just count to eight, the Boogeyman will hide and hate. When you see him count to five, pray that you will stay alive.

More Boogeyman questions
Scream VI picture

Question: The events of Scream VI take place around Halloween, but it doesn't specify what year. A news reporter said that the Woodsboro killings took place in 2022 as if they happened a year ago, and Scream VI was released in March of 2023. So, do the events of Scream VI take place on Halloween of 2022 or 7 months in the future after the film's release date?

Answer: Using some conjecture, if the film states the last killings took place in 2022 and treats it like "last year," you can assume it takes place around Halloween 2023. Films are allowed to take place in the future. They don't have to be set around their release date. So how is this a mistake?


Answer: I think this is more "trivia" than mistake. There's no error in a film taking place a bit further ahead in time than in its release date.


More Scream VI questions
Birth picture

Question: What does Joseph whisper in Anna's ear in the final scene at the beach? Her face reacts to something he's saying to her.

Answer: It's not revealed what he whispered to her.


Answer: I think that 'what sets Anna off' at the ending was Sean's letter to her...where in the very last line, he says, "I guess we'll meet in another life." This shows that Sean really was reincarnated, but he so didn't want Anna to learn about the the affair with Clifford's wife, that he (Sean) decided to let go of Anna, possibly for the time being until he grows up, leaving room for a future sequel.

Answer: Probably "snap out of it, and let's go home" lol I think she's gone nuts or always was and Joseph knows she is bipolar?

Answer: I think he says. "Just leave those bad memories Anna!, I'm for you and you for me! and we will live happily without any interpretation from 3rd party peoples."


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It (1990)

It picture

Question: What is the deal with everyone saying "beep beep" to Ritchie every time he tells a joke?


Chosen answer: It's their way of telling Richie to be quiet. To get him to stop talking.

Answer: In the book it is explained that they are telling Richie to shut up.

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