Trivia: The face on the small music box lid is visible when Will steals the key from Davy Jones. At Tia Dalma's, when Jack steals the ring, it lies beside a necklace whose pendant is identical to the face on Davy Jones's music box.

Trivia: Director Christophe Gans wanted to use the original soundtrack recordings of Akira Yamaoka's scores from the various "Silent Hill" video games in the film. However, due to a legality issue necessitating the hiring of a Canadian composer for the film, Jeff Danna was selected to serve as the lead credited composer. However, it was later confirmed that he actually composed very little original music for the film, and instead mainly focused on created re-mixes and new recordings of the themes from the video-games, so that he and director Gans could preserve Akira Yamaoka's music and style as much as possible.

Trivia: Michael's neighbors last name is O'Doyle, which is the name of the bully kids in Billy Madison who say "O'Doyle Rules."

Trivia: At the unemployment office, when Larry Daley (played by Ben Stiller) speaks to Debbie he says that he felt a connection with her when he first walked into her office and with a deadpan face she quips back that she did not. Debbie is played by Ben Stiller's real-life mom, actress and comedian, Anne Meara.

Trivia: During Borden's performance which ends with Angier shooting him, on at least two occasions the bill for the show can be seen off to one side. About halfway down is the name "Harry Dresden", the name of the wizard protagonist from the Dresden Files book series by Jim Butcher.

Trivia: The faun is not actually Pan. The film's correct title translated into English is 'The Labyrinth of the Faun'. However, the director, Guillermo del Toro, thought that the English-speaking audiences would get confused between a 'faun' (mythological creature) and a 'fawn' (baby deer). Therefore, for all English-speaking countries, the title is 'Pan's Labyrinth'.

Trivia: When the "Dragons" are being released around the world, you see a baby carriage nearly falling into one of the cracks that forms in the ground, only to be saved at the last minute. The baby-crying sound effects were actually provided by Selma Blair, who does the voice of Liz Sherman (and also played her in the live action film), after the makers realized she could do a perfect impression of an infant crying.

Trivia: Throughout the movie, Aquamarine is always eating salt and putting salt in strange things like ice cream. To film these scenes, they had the actress, Sara Paxton, eat sugar instead.

Trivia: The film is directed by Kurt Wimmer who also directed Equilibrium. Both films not only use similar battle techniques (gun kata), but William Fichtner also plays a similar role in both movies: Both roles - Garth and Jürgen - are with the underground movement against the totalitarian regime of the movie.

Trivia: 1620 Racine is the same block as in the movie The Untouchables. The address where Sean Connery is killed is 1634 N Racine.

Trivia: Abigail Breslin, who plays Trish the elf girl, is the younger sister of Spencer Breslin, who plays Curtis.

Trivia: The child-actor playing young Selene is actually the daughter of adult Selene's actress Kate Beckinsale.

Trivia: Included in the film's soundtrack are the songs from performers/composers who have themselves committed suicide, such as Joe Meek and Rozz Williams.

Trivia: Anytime one of the characters click on "Do you want to meet a ghost?", they all click the "to".

Trivia: Shyamalan based the film on a story he told his children. This aspect of the production was questioned frequently, with one critic saying that if Shyamalan based his films on kid stories, he should go make films for Nickelodeon. Ironically enough, 4 years later he released "The Last Airbender" for Nickelodeon, which was considered to be one of the worst films ever released.