Character mistake: When Johnny Blaze plans on jumping the football field he says he is jumping field goal to field goal. The movie says multiple times he is jumping 300 feet. End zone to end zone is 300 feet. Field goal post to field goal post is 360 feet.

Character mistake: When Dorothy and the others enter the Haunted forest, the sign reads "Witches Castle One Mile." "Witches" is plural. To be grammatically correct, it should have said "Witch's Castle," if one witch, or "Witches' Castle" if more than one.

Character mistake: Dwanye Johnson is called onto the ice, the first thing he does is throws a player through a glass pane. The player looses a tooth. The close up shows that the tooth is a molar, but the commentators say, seconds later, "Ohhh that's an incisor!" (00:01:00 - 00:02:35)

Character mistake: In the scene when Gillian and Sally are dragging the boyfriend in to put him on the table Gillian says, "Watch his balls Sal". It is in Nicole Kidman's native Australian accent and the rest of the movie she speaks with a Northeastern US accent.

Character mistake: In the beginning when Karsh and Ileana take the twins Karsh says he'll take Apolla and Ileana says she will take Aretmis but Karsh has the twin with the moon amulet which is Alex, who is supposed to be Artemis and Ileana has the twin who has the sun amulet which is Camryn, who is supposed to be Apolla. (00:00:50)

Character mistake: In the scene just before Harry and Cho kiss in the Room of Requirement, there is a clear Daily Prophet headline to the right of the mirror - 'Mystery Disappearences' a mis-spelling of the word disappearances.

Character mistake: While he is describing his origin, Dr. Manhattan mentions a circulatory system appearing at a military base. However, what is actually shown is a nervous system, as it depicts a brain and spinal cord.

Character mistake: At the beginning Sally follows Jack at the end of the Halloween celebration where he sings "Jack's Lament." She then goes off to gather more deadly nightshade. Look at Sally when she sits down. It is in front of a stone labeled "witch hazel" and "deadly nightshade" is seen next to it on the right. Yet, Sally pulls two pieces of witch hazel out of the ground, before a quick cut back to the lab where we see her putting it in a jar marked "nightshade".

Character mistake: Thor calls Nidavellir "Nivadellir" the first two times he mentions it.

Character mistake: While posing as Steve's driver, Sameer refers to him as a colonel. He is actually wearing captain's epaulettes.

Character mistake: Chick Gandil mispronounces Eddie Cicotte's name, calling him "Si-coty" instead of "See-cot."

Character mistake: When Hollywood Montrose tells Jonathan Switcher that all the female mannequins have been stolen, they both run into the front window where there's a female mannequin.

Character mistake: In her speech outside the bank, Mary Lou Barebone mentions "the wireless" as one of the wonders of modern technology, which is the British term. A New Yorker in 1926 would more likely use the Americanism "radio."
Possibly, but is it probable? Big difference between hearing someone else use it and using it oneself. Just as an example, if I ever were to travel to Britain, it would be an instinctive habit to use words like "elevator" instead of "lift", or "apartment" instead of "flat", simply because to me, as an American, that's what they're called.

Character mistake: The closing shot of a newspaper article shows the word "rumor", film is set in England where it's spelled "rumour".

Character mistake: When Boris and Natasha (Jason Alexander and Renee Russo) are at the airport (just missing Rocky, Bullwinkle and the FBI agent) Natasha says something about "Moose and Squirrel don't even know our names", yet earlier in the courthouse scene, Bullwinkle says something about Boris and Natasha being real people and Rocky and Bullwinkle still being cartoons.

Character mistake: At the Gazette office, as Ms. Rees-Jones watches, Steven scrolls up the next front page of the Gazette on his PC and under the photo of Chuck Hughes it reads, "...dead at age 37." However, when Frank gets into his car after being kicked out of the cemetery, under the current Gazette headline it reads, "30 yr. old Chuck Hughes who died of a mysterious heart ailment..." (00:03:10 - 00:05:30)

Character mistake: In the scene where Kris's knowledge is being tested, he incorrectly gives the vice president of President John Quincy Adams. Kris states John Quincy Adams' vice president was Daniel D. Thompkins. That's wrong. John Quincy Adams' vice president was John C. Calhoun. Daniel D. Thompkins was the vice president under President James Monroe.

Character mistake: You'd think prison guards on Death Row would have known a little more about safe restraints, the way they bind and gag Percy could eventually kill him. They stuff a handkerchief all the way into his mouth, then tape his mouth closed. The gag reflex could suck the handkerchief into his windpipe and suffocate him in about three or four minutes. Even if he might be able to find away around the danger of suffocation the fact remains that no trained, experienced prison guard is ever going to restrain someone in that way.
Suggested correction: Not everyone even has a gag reflex, and it is easy, though not comfortable to push the handkerchief forward into the mouth with the tongue. You can see Percy breathing through his nose, so he's not running out of air. The other guards had no intention of leaving him in the cell for a long time, only long enough to teach him a lesson.
It doesn't matter what he "might" be able to do, or even if he could push the handkerchief forward. That's not the mistake. A trained, experienced prison guard would not restrain someone like that. Never.
Again, what might or might not have happened is irrelevant. No skilled, trained, experienced prison guard would apply a gag in this way.

Character mistake: When newspapers are flashed on screen to demonstrate how the dragons have destroyed the countries, one of the headlines reads "Europes' capital cities in ruins." It should read "Europe's capital cities in ruins."

Character mistake: The pilot says to his wife that the flying saucer was cigar-shaped. The actual shape was more like two dishes attached together. (00:04:45 - 00:12:20)