The Nightmare Before Christmas

Character mistake: At the beginning Sally follows Jack at the end of the Halloween celebration where he sings "Jack's Lament." She then goes off to gather more deadly nightshade. Look at Sally when she sits down. It is in front of a stone labeled "witch hazel" and "deadly nightshade" is seen next to it on the right. Yet, Sally pulls two pieces of witch hazel out of the ground, before a quick cut back to the lab where we see her putting it in a jar marked "nightshade".

Other mistake: When Jack first arrives in Christmas Land he doesn't know what is falling from the sky (snow) but he somehow knows that the children are throwing snowballs.

More mistakes in The Nightmare Before Christmas

The Mayor: Jack, I'm only an elected official here, I can't make decisions by myself!

More quotes from The Nightmare Before Christmas

Trivia: In the song "This is Halloween," the two children sing "Tender Lumplings everywhere..." This is a reference to a poem from the film's songwriter/composer/Jack's singing voice, Danny Elfman's, former musical theatrical street troupe, The Mystic Knights of the Oingo Boingo (later to evolve as Oingo Boingo.) The original poem, Tender Lumplings, was "And so my tender lumplings, let my welcome hear you now/Into our flesh-pink home of hearts we greet you with a bow/So entertain we must we may, our pleasure from within/The Oingo Boingo treasure chest of lust and mortal sin."

More trivia for The Nightmare Before Christmas

Question: How did Jack save Sally and Santa Claus in Oogie Boogie's lair by transporting them from the lava pit to the Iron Maiden? Wouldn't they be killed by the Iron Maiden?

Answer: Except they're a reanimated corpse and a skeleton. They are either already dead (or undead), or, given how things seem to work, the normal natural laws don't apply to Halloweentown.

Greg Dwyer

But how did Santa survive the Iron Maiden? Especially with how big he is, he certainly would have been killed.

You're trying to apply the rules of the real world to fictional magical beings.


Answer: He was hiding behind Sally.


More questions & answers from The Nightmare Before Christmas

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