Trivia: The voice behind Roz, the number 1 of the Child Detection Agency and the undercover secretary, is actually a man.

Trivia: In the scene after Hiccup finally gets Toothless' new tail fin to work, and the two are relaxing after they fly through the fire ball, the two are greeted by a group of tiny dragons. This little dragon was actually what Toothless was originally going to be, as he was in the book, until they changed him to a dragon big enough for Hiccup to ride to suit the movie. (00:46:15)

Trivia: During the scene where a drunken Uncle Billy walks home, a loud crashing sound is heard. The crashing sound was due to a crew member dropping a large tray of props. Thomas Mitchell quickly ad-libbed the line that he was all right. The crew member who dropped the tray was afraid he would be fired but instead director Frank Capra gave the crewman a ten dollar bonus for "improving the sound."

Trivia: The knife that is given to Louis by the pirates is the exact same knife that Buck had in the previous film.

Trivia: As Rocky flies his tricycle over the fence to aid Ginger with the launch ramp, he flashes the European "flipping the bird sign" - index and middle fingers extended - to Mrs. Tweedy.

Trivia: The "old gangster movie" that's on the TV in Harry's apartment is the fictional movie "Angels with Filthy Souls," which was seen in the movie "Home Alone." The director wanted a detective movie for the scene, and said: "We needed something and I hadn’t figured out what I was going to put on that TV yet...Just as a laugh, we got the movie that they shot for Home Alone off of YouTube...We could never beat it!"

Trivia: Melinda Dillon was given the wrong script on purpose when they filmed the Chinese restaurant scene. She had no idea that when they brought the duck out it would have its head still attached. All of her reactions, including when she first sees the duck and when the server cuts the head off, were completely genuine.

Trivia: HIDDEN MICKEY: At the end, fireworks go and 3 go into the shape of Micky Mouse.

Trivia: Judith Barsi was killed by her father a year and half before the film's release. The song "Love Survives" was put in the soundtrack as a dedication to her memory.

Trivia: This movie was originally supposed to be part of the TV series "Amazing Stories" but Steven Spielberg like the story so much that he decided to make it a full length film.

Trivia: Until 2016 Coraline was the longest stop motion film to date, running at an hour and 40 minutes. The new record holder became Kubo and the Two Strings.

Trivia: Near the beginning, when Remy is in the sewers and begins to make his way up to the skyline of Paris, he is startled by a barking dog in one of the apartments. If you pause and look at the silhouette of the dog, it greatly resembles Dug the dog, from the 2009 Disney/Pixar release Up - another precursory nod to an upcoming movie by Pixar. (00:16:35)

Trivia: At one point during the song "Jack's Lament", Jack pops up between two tombstones. The tombstone on the left is a figure from the painting "The Scream", and the tombstone on the right is the horse from Picasso's "Guernica".

Trivia: Disney wanted people to despise Scar, the film's villain, so, during Scar's big song 'Be prepared', they made references to Adolf Hitler. When Scar's army begins to march, they are goose-stepping like Nazi soldiers and have their snouts raised like a Nazi salute (their snouts appear longer here than in any other part of the movie, and pointed to their right). Scar is on a large ledge, which resembles a balcony, much like that used by Hitler - on the side, the rock has a pattern resembling a giant Swastika. And finally, on the ground where the army marches, lines appear. These lines were on the streets of Germany, where the Nazis paraded.

Trivia: The actress playing Connie has the same surname as her character - Moreau.

Trivia: Though not revealed in the movie, the Prince's name is Adam. At the New Orleans Disneyworld, the Princess hotel rooms have portraits of each Disney prince. The 'Beauty & the Beast' prince is shown in human form and his name stated underneath as 'Prince Adam.' In addition, the officially licensed Disney Fisherprice 'Little People' sets include 'Belle and Prince Adam.'