Trivia: The "old gangster movie" that's on the TV in Harry's apartment is the fictional movie "Angels with Filthy Souls," which was seen in the movie "Home Alone." The director wanted a detective movie for the scene, and said: "We needed something and I hadn’t figured out what I was going to put on that TV yet...Just as a laugh, we got the movie that they shot for Home Alone off of YouTube...We could never beat it!"

Trivia: Jim Carrey was the first choice for the role of the Genie, but had to decline due to his recent involvement in a civil lawsuit.

Trivia: There's an homage to Beauty and the Beast as Timon starts singing: "It is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure that we welcome you tonight. And now we invite you to relax let us pull up a chair as the dining room proudly presents your dinner!" They then show Pumba as the dinner to the hyenas. Pumba was the distraction when Simba came back to the Pridelands. (01:45:00)

Trivia: The short tune Noelle sings to bring Snowcone to her is the same tune Anna Kendrick sings in Into the Woods when she played Cinderella.

Trivia: When Charlie throws out a Viking in the air, the Viking lets out a Wilhelm scream.

Trivia: In the 2019 Adams Family Wednesday is older than Pugsley, but in the original, Pugsley is the oldest.

Trivia: After the Justice League go into the Stairportal, it cuts to giant words saying 5 Years Later. This is a joke and jab at the same kind of 5 years later cut in Avengers: Endgame.

Trivia: Arnold Schwarzenegger's "performance" in this movie "merited" a nomination in the 2021 Razzies (Raspberry Awards) for WORST supporting actor, but he lost [or would that be "won"?] to Rudy Giuliani! Arnold's nomination had some good company: Chevy Chase, Shia LaBeouf, and Bruce Willis. Bruce was nominated for THREE of his movies - Breach, Hard Kill, and Survive the Night.

Trivia: Seeing the "In God We Trust" sign on the classroom wall of a public school might lead some to question its Constitutionality, but it has been the National motto since the 1950s. Post-9/11, some states started REQUIRING the motto be posted in public places, including public schools beginning the 2019-20 academic year. (00:06:20)