Plot hole: When Jim is shown what he has to pay for the damages Herbie did to Mr. Wu's shop he says he has no money. First off if he had no money how in the world was he able to put down any money on the red sports car he had just purchased that night? Secondly, what happened to the prize money from all the races he was winning from the previous few months?

Plot hole: Close to the end of the movie when Sykes is chasing Fagin on the train tracks Jenny says Fagin's name. Fagin also seems to know Jenny's name as well because he says her name and tells her to jump. How did they know each other's names?

Plot hole: During the climax with Van Helsing and the Kraken the writers of the film seemed to have forgotten about the powers Dracula has always had. At no point does his super speed or indestructibility ever come into play, he could have easily climbed up to the DJ booth and dealt with Van Helsing in seconds instead of going through the silly DJ battle.
Suggested correction: The kraken was faster and stronger than Dracula, if you watched he kept trying to reach the DJ booth and fight but was stopped each time and nearly crushed. It was said that the kraken was extremely strong and the only thing that could subdue him was a more powerful song than the other.

Plot hole: When the chipmunks finally release their first song, there is a montage showing the chipmunks rising musical success. In one shot we see a marquee promoting "The Chipmunks Premiere CD Release", and on it is a picture of the chipmunks in the clothes Dave has made them (note Alvin in his 'A' jumper.) However, Dave doesn't actually make the chipmunks these clothes until further on in the film. (00:41:50)

Plot hole: When Sully and Mike are talking in the toilets, during Boo and Sully's Hide and Seek game, Boo comes running in screaming and upset because she's just seen Randall, and he's not too far behind since all three can hear him talking offscreen to the CDA before entering the toilets, but how did Boo get to Sully faster than Randall without him seeing her, and how did Randall not hear her screams since they're all in the changing rooms which have an echo?

Plot hole: Near the end of the film, Carrie gets a quarter pipe. The problem is that there is no pavement anywhere near the farm which was expressed explicitly earlier in the film. Because of this, she won't be able to use the quarter pipe anyway, especially since it is about 2 ft at the base so they would definitely need to build the rest of the ramp. (01:14:00)

Plot hole: Near the end of the movie, when Mr Potts finds out that he's going to be rich (Mr Scrumptious wants to buy his invention) and he rushes out to his car to go see Truly, he meets her en route and she's got her hair in an really elaborate style and has changed. But there is no way she could have possibly got to her house, found out that her father had gone to see Mr Potts to buy his invention, changed her outfit, done her hair like that and gone out to see Mr Potts in the short amount of time between Mr Potts and his children dropping her off, and Mr Potts and her meeting at the pond.

Plot hole: The wolves seem to conveniently make an appearance to further the story, only to disappear in other parts. They are there for Belle's dad at the beginning and Belle when she tries to escape the castle initially. When Belle's dad leaves the castle after Belle takes his place and when Belle is freed to save her dad, they are not there.

Plot hole: Emily begins to pull Henry out of the shed, but however there is no track leading to the other end. Also, the turntable is not big enough for both engines to fit on.

Plot hole: Lots of police officers saw Santa flying at the end. This should've caused the world to accept Santa was real.
Suggested correction: From ONE location? Also, people wouldn't believe in Santa that easily.
Suggested correction: It should also be noted there were no cameras to capture the event, and not many eyewitnesses. Only a few neighbours and some officers. Even if these folks now believe in Santa, who's going to believe them? Folks they tell are going to think these folks are making it up, that their brain or someone else played a trick on them, or that they are mentally disturbed.

Plot hole: Even if Chicken Little was tagged out when he hit home plate, the game was already tied so his team would still have a chance to win the pennant.

Plot hole: There is no reason that Eden Hall couldn't have accepted the Ducks and also kept some of the JV players as well other than they didn't want to hire more actors for the team. Keep in mind, by the time the Ducks actually attend E.H. they only have 12 players (with two goalies). Once Banks gets transferred to Varsity they only have 9 skaters. Surely they could have allowed the cut JV players to rejoin the team since they barely had enough skaters for 2 full lines.

Plot hole: During the final scare event, Mike gets a perfect score because Sully broke the simulator to allow the 6th scarer to get a perfect score no matter what. After the contest, the simulation resets and Mike pretends to scare the child in the simulator and it registers a perfect score on the scoreboard for the 6th scarer when it should really have registered a score for the 1st scarer, because the simulator had been reset.

Plot hole: Towards the end of the movie we see Mr. Wilson peek out from his front porch, surprised to see Dennis biking back home with his wagon carrying Switchblade Sam, tied-up and partly unconscious. Either Dennis must have some hidden super-strength or knew how to tweak the laws of physics there is no way that an eight-year-old kid of his build could carry an adult of that size to his wagon let alone easily bike home with Switchblade Sam's weight. Plus being an experienced criminal like Switchblade Sam he may have offered some resistance in being caught doing so much less submit to a mere kid. (01:50:00)

Plot hole: If Chester's plan was to steal the machine the entire time why didn't he just have his people steal the machine while it was still floating in the air during the first film? There was plenty of time to capture it before the food started mutating so what was he waiting for if he needed it so bad?
Suggested correction: Because he wasn't there in the first film? He first made an appearance in this film, doesn't know how to work the machine without Flint, and how the hell would he even get it in the sky? He also didn't even know about it, or what happened to Chew and Swallow, again, until he made an appearance in this film. Not a mistake.

Plot hole: When Dubois attempts to kidnap Alex using the tranquilizer, she is brought to a halt by several different zoo staff thanking her for returning him. The entire first movie's plot is based on them being stranded on Madagascar after being on a ship that was intended to take them away. The actions of the animals at the train station were on the news, and a large gathering of sorts was held to show that the animals were leaving the zoo. Therefore, no one should have reacted this way to his return.