Plot hole: On arrival at the Summerland castle the Polar Bear King becomes human during the midnight hour (as part of the spell) and performs his husbandly duties with his carry-on wife. Why did he not become human during the journey from Winterland to Summerland which took several days? (00:32:40)
Plot hole: The helmet design is rubbish. The eyeholes are far too small - that close to the eyes the divider between the eyeholes would block almost a third of the wearer's vision. He would hardly be able to see what was right in front of him - and it is not too close nor too narrow to fall into the "blind spot" between the eyes. This is not a character error by Peevey - the helmet design came from the original plans - it is even shown in the German propaganda film!
Plot hole: Shredder unleashes Tokka and Rahzar in a residential part of New York. The time is not stated but two senior citizens are taking a cab and there are a cafe and other stores open, it's not quite the middle of the night. Yet the police and the journalists are on the case only the morning after in full daylight. (00:59:45)