Plot hole: How would Arnold know about the cop hitting the bus when he was running away from him during the parade? He was far past him at that point.

Plot hole: There is no possible way for the chubby mayor to be able to get in Flint's lab. There is no side entry, and the space other characters use to get in is too tight for him.

Plot hole: About two thirds of the way into the film, Gina comes running into Montebello's to talk to Joe, while Joe bursts into Prestolani's to confront Gina. Of course, in typical romantic comedy fashion, they just miss each other. However, the two pizzerias are directly next to each other, and both characters were using the front doors. Therefore, there is no way that they could possibly have missed each other.

Plot hole: It takes less than 3 minutes to fill the house with water using a mere garden hose? I mean come on...

Plot hole: The helmet design is rubbish. The eyeholes are far too small - that close to the eyes the divider between the eyeholes would block almost a third of the wearer's vision. He would hardly be able to see what was right in front of him - and it is not too close nor too narrow to fall into the "blind spot" between the eyes. This is not a character error by Peevey - the helmet design came from the original plans - it is even shown in the German propaganda film!

Plot hole: The sheer distances Kevin covers on foot in one night are outrageous. Between 9pm and midnight he walks from Carnegie Hall to the children's hospital, to 95th street, back to the toy store carrying a large paint can and a large 2x4 (street signs here put it around 59th and 5th), back up to 95th, then all the way back to midtown, to Rockefeller Plaza. One way from W 95th street to around E 59th and 5th Ave. is at least an hour on foot for an adult, he does this 4 times between 9pm and midnight, once while carrying a 2x4 and paint can, once while being chased by 2 adults, and he still has time to set up a house full of traps.

Plot hole: When Tinkerbell tries to find Gruff in winter, she's seen flying with her wings out of her coat; in a later scene, Fawn flies too. After Tink finds Gruff, her wings disappear from underneath her coat. This is a plothole because of how the whole storyline of Secret of the Wings was that warm fairies can't fly in winter weather or their wings will tear.
Suggested correction: Yeah but at the end of Secret of the Wings, they find a way to let any fairy fly in winter.

Plot hole: There is supposed to be no power when the Dragonfly ship reaches the island, but the lights are still on. At first, I thought it was just a lighting trick, but you can see the lights are on in the tunnels.

Plot hole: When Tarzan comes to the hotel to visit Jane, he overhears the bad guys threatening the hotel clerk into giving them Jane's room number. Tarzan then has time to go into the streets and study the hotel for a little while (coincidentally just when Jane happens to appear in her window), climb to the second story and through her window, have a romantic reunion with Jane and explain what is going on before the villains have managed to ascend the one stair from the lobby.

Plot hole: When Pistachio and Jennifer go to the toy convention to find Bowman she says her name is Barbara, and Bowman invites her to his house. When Pistachio comes looking for her at the door (as the German Guy and the Snobby English Guy) he says he needs to talk to Jennifer Baker. Wouldn't he ask to see Barbara instead of Jennifer? Also Bowman knows her as Barbara and didn't say anything about him calling her Jennifer.

Plot hole: If Happy Chapman is supposed to be allergic to cats how come he doesn't sneeze whenever he is around Garfield?

Plot hole: Gerry's wife uses a rocket boot to break through a window and then slides down a curved wall to get to their son. She does so gracefully and takes off running. Gerry slides and takes a hard tumble and rolls down, landing on the ground. The next shot shows Gerry running behind his wife and not too far away as they reach their son. Even if it was to show a little time passing, there was not enough distance between where they broke the window and their son for Gerry to have picked himself up and catch up to his wife before reaching their son, especially with his wife being a worried mom doing a full on sprint to her kid.

Plot hole: After the puppies have trapped Denning and Grim in the stall, the goat tells them to go find their parents, when the puppies never told it that they were looking for their parents.

Plot hole: Near the end of the film, the crippled Thunderbird 5 is about to catastrophically re-enter the Earth's atmosphere and burn up. Predictably, the younger Tracy brother restores control, saves Thunderbird 5 and all on board. A few seconds later, a computer announces that Thunderbird 5 has resumed a geostationary orbit (such orbits are only possible at an altitude of 400km) My point? Pulling out of a fall, climbing 370km in a few seconds, and then stopping dead 400km up would have required such a massive acceleration/deceleration that everyone on board would probably have been pulverized, even if it were possible for a badly-damaged space station to move that fast.

Plot hole: During the nova scene, everyone is tying down the sails after securing themselves with lifelines to the mast. Jim and Silver are on the front and Silver is knocked off. Jim is then all dramatic and runs to grab Silver's lifeline which seems to be coming from above, and pulls Silver up like a pulley. How come? The lifelines were attached to the mast, so Jim's action is pointless... even if he could do it, because a shot later both lifelines are streaming right to the mast, leaving no room for a pulley of any sort.