Audio problem: During the "Whale of a Tail" scene, there are several instances when Kirk Douglas' hands are away from the guitar strings, to ring the bell or twirl the guitar, yet the sound of the guitar strumming continues without missing a beat.

Audio problem: When Ash receives the letter from the Dragonite, we hear Togepi say "Togepi?" but its mouth doesn't move.

Audio problem: When the trainer and Banks are fighting near the end where all the water jugs are, we here glass break when the trainer shoots that gun type weapon at the water jugs. But they are made out of plastic.

Audio problem: When Tim and Alvey are chased down the alley by Loki, Loki pulls out a huge fire ball, and then Odin the great god takes over Tim. After Odin the great god says, "I've had it up to here with you!", you can see Alvey in Tim's arms crying, but you can't hear Alvey crying.

Audio problem: Near the very end, when Ren pushes Louis over the edge of the cliff, the very noisy helicopter can't be heard until it is seen coming into view.

Audio problem: When Inspector Gadget is upside down in the vent eyeing the bionic stolen foot, he activates a gadget called 'Go go suction shoes'. However, it is said wrong. It should be 'Go go gadget suction shoes'.

Audio problem: When Old Yeller runs by the ground shot camera when Travis calls him, he barks ,but his mouth doesn't move.

Audio problem: When Catzilla is chasing the mouse and gets stuck in the mousetraps and starts meowing, if you look closely at the mouth, the cat isn't really meowing at all.

Audio problem: When Laurie gets a letter from Jo in which she tells him about Beth's death, you hear her reading it in a voice-over. She says "come home to us", while her handwriting says "come home to me". A small, but in this special case significant difference. (01:36:50)

Audio problem: When Galleria is playing the piano by herself at school, it's obvious she really isn't playing. Her hands are moving way too slow for some of the parts and at the end, her hands are playing very low on the bass notes when the notes heard are in middle-low C range.

Audio problem: When Kevin is going through Buzz's private things he finds a picture of his girlfriend. Sickened by her appearance, he smashes the picture. But the smashing sound starts before he hits it. (00:22:05)

Audio problem: On the way back to the house, in the back of the horse cart, Babe and Fly are talking to each other. They never open their mouths while they're talking.

Audio problem: After Cinderella has run away from the Prince and everything goes back to normal, she discovers that the Fairy Godmother has left her with a single glass shoe. She then proceeds to thank the Fairy Godmother.she says "Thank you so much.for everything." When she says "for", her mouth doesn't move correctly.her mouth is supposed to close in order to say the beginning "f" part, but it remains open, so it looks like she's actually saying "hor" instead of "for".

Audio problem: After Johnny escapes into the city, Ben returns home and starts to shout at Fred for letting him get out. Watch Freds mouth closely as he replies, some of the words he says back to Ben have been removed. Judging by his mouth movements, they appear to be swear words he is saying, and as the film is rated as PG, they were probably removed so they would not cause offence.

Audio problem: Just after Oliver leaves Mr. Brownlow's house with the books and £5 note there is a shot of Bill Sykes and Nancy on a park bench. Just as Nancy stands up Bill's dog barks. Whilst you can hear the birds singing, nothing of the bark can be heard.

Audio problem: When George is in Ursula's apartment after his shower, Ursula covers his behind with a bowl, saying "Cover the booty." Her mouth doesn't move.

Audio problem: After Tootie sings 'I Was Drunk Last Night' you see a far away shot where Esther grabs her leg and says 'Tootie you very ba..' Cut to the close up where she repeats 'Tootie you very bad'

Audio problem: When Dr. Grant is explaining the plan to Larraby, when Larraby says "Is that our only option?", his mouth doesn't move.

Audio problem: You hear the man in the wheelchair say, "How do you get this cast off?" But his lips don't move. (00:25:45)

Audio problem: After the "Off to See the World" part, it shows Klaus and Claudia in the pool. The waiter tells Claudia that there's a long distance phone call for her from Europe. "Wonderful!" Claudia says, and she slides off her raft and while she makes her way out of the pool, accidentally drops water on Sophie. The dog freaks out, trying to paw the water off her and Klaus snickers at her. After the shot of snickering Klaus, it shows Sophie turning her head towards Claudia and you could hear her bark. However, she does not move her mouth as if she's barking and the barking noise sounds quite perky.