Audio problem: When Junior picks up the cat and it starts to hiss you can see that the cat's mouth isn't moving.

Audio problem: At the beginning of the song "It's Over", during the first chorus while Galleria leans her head against the pole of the bed, the words that she is singing, or lip-synching, are different than the words that can be heard. While she is mouthing "How COULD I let the sweetest." you can hear "How DID I let the sweetest."

Audio problem: You can tell that Tia is lip syncing in the final song ("Oh holy night") more so on the last few lines she closes her mouth before the song ends.

Audio problem: Right after Rocky jumps over the fence and kicks the ninja that is holding tum tum he says "give me five". But his lips don't move at all.

Audio problem: When Rivers is yelling "Run for touchdown," her mouth doesn't match what she's saying at all.

Audio problem: In the scene where Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is passing the train you can see a continuous trail of smoke issuing from the train. It is exiting from the train's whistle, meaning that there should be a continuous high pitched whistling noise, yet there is no such thing.

Audio problem: When Tom and Jerry are in the cage, Pugsy says, "How'd you guys wind up in a dig like this?" However his mouth is way out of sync with the audio.

Audio problem: When Prof Fate gets up from the organ it continues to play the Bach Toccata, but the keys and the pattern in the piano roll controlling the organ are not the same as the music.

Audio problem: When Gromit is knocking on his bedroom door to get Feathers McGraw to turn the loud music off, his bangs are out of sync with the sound produced.

Audio problem: When the ship is being pulled into the black hole, Captain Amelia says "Hold onto your life lines gents. It's gonna be a bumpy ride." You can see her mouth is moving differently to what she is saying.

Audio problem: When Ernest pushes the cart with the passenger on it, he accidentally goes into the conveyor, Ernest says, "Have a nice day." When Ernest says this, his lips don't move when he says it.

Audio problem: When Russ jumps from out behind the bush and says, "I say that ant is ours", his mouth doesn't move.

Audio problem: When the ants are deciding whether on not to let Flik go to the city, Atta says "He can't mess anything up!" However, her mouth says "screw" when she says "mess."

Audio problem: When the alligator bites on the fisherman's pole, the sounds heard don't match it biting on it.

Audio problem: There is a scene when Alexia eats a muffin. On the first bite, it makes a sound as if it was hard.

Audio problem: When Marlin and Dory swim into the deepest part of the ocean to reclaim their mask, they see a light (which we know later, belongs to an angler fish). They stop right underneath the light and says "What is it?" but his mouth doesn't match the movements. It looks as though the animators had Albert Brooks (Marlin's voice actor) say a different line than what was animated.

Audio problem: The ghost of Christmas past says "these are but shadows... they are what they are - do not blame me." Her mouth keeps moving after she stops speaking.
Suggested correction: No, it doesn't. When she finishes this speech at 45:16, there is an immediate cut to Scrooge. We can only see the back of the ghost. Her mouth is not visible.
Suggested correction: A mouth can move without speaking, not an audio problem but a puppeteering problem that is not a mistake.
A puppeteer problem would still be a mistake.
Maybe for the puppeteer, but in the movie it is no problem because a mouth can move without sound coming out. So what exactly went wrong?
But practically speaking people (or puppets) don't just flap their mouth open and closed with no reason. The overwhelming probability is simply that there was a dubbing error or a line was cut and the dialogue didn't fit with the mouth movement.
The mouth opens 1 extra time. That's all.
But it's glaring enough to be noticeable. Regardless of how or why it happened, it's a mistake.
In the version on Disney+, there is an immediate cut to Scrooge as the spirit finishes her speech. We only see the back of the spirit's head. Are you seeing something different on other versions?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBDqCFyugW0. I got the scene right here, it's at 1:50. Judge for yourself. I can repeat that part over and over again, but to be honest, sometimes it looks like there is an extra movement. Sometimes I can't see it. Even if it was, muppets move their mouths without speaking all the time.

Audio problem: When the kid's dad and Santa are singing about believing in Santa their mouth movements do not match the music well.

Audio problem: At the Video Armageddon shortly after the event host first realises Jimmy isn't there, the female voice counting down the time proclaims "...the Video Armageddon will commence in T-Minus two minutes and counting". However, the digital timer on the stage is at precisely 01:00, not 02:00. (01:21:15)

Audio problem: When trying to steel the BET, Serpentor fllies in close and Duke grabs onto his glider. The sounds of TIE Fighters are used for Serpentor's glider. You can even hear Darth Vader breathing for a moment. (00:15:45)