Audio problem: (May only apply to the original VHS release.) When Scar has Zazu locked up in a cage, Zazu mentions Mufasa's name and Scar yells at him, "What did you say?" Right before Scar's actual line, whilst Zazu is talking, you hear Scar's "What did you say?" line very faintly in the background, even though Zazu has not even mentioned Mufasa yet.

Audio problem: At the end of the movie when Vada is singing to her new baby brother, we see a shot from over her shoulder. The movements of her mouth don't match the words she is singing.

Audio problem: When Buckwheat says, "It's worse than I thought", while watching Alfalfa and Darla in the boat, you can see Uh-Huh next to him mouthing that line.

Audio problem: When Kevin's young daughter is blessing things at dinner, Kevin says something about it and what he says doesn't match his lips.

Audio problem: When the kids are riding back from Miss Cavore's house on their bikes, their is some dialogue between them. In one of the shots we can see them talking, but in the next shot we hear them talking but their lips aren't moving.

Audio problem: When Laurie gets a letter from Jo in which she tells him about Beth's death, you hear her reading it in a voice-over. She says "come home to us", while her handwriting says "come home to me". A small, but in this special case significant difference. (01:36:50)

Audio problem: When Richie goes in place of his father to open the tool warehouse, the kids playing baseball gather at the gate and the girl in the middle says something like "Are you crazy? That's Richie Rich, the richest kid in the world." After that line, watch the black kid with a baseball cap to the left of the screen. His mouth moves but there is no voice.

Audio problem: In the scene when Mud and his "dad" are getting ready for Celeste to come over, Mud bounces a basketball across a hardwood floor but it makes no sound.

Audio problem: Al's piano playing does not match his finger movements.

Audio problem: About halfway through the movie, Richard and Fantasy reunite on the island. Richard says, "Fantasy." and Fantasy responds with, "Well, what were you expecting honey? The tooth fairy?" When she says "the tooth fairy" her lips are saying something completely different (and it's even worse, since it's a close-up of her face).

Audio problem: In the scene where Jafar throws the Genie to the ground, Jasmine says "Genie" but her mouth doesn't move.

Audio problem: Outside the Miller's house the detective who was interrogating Scott is now shouting at the house with a bullhorn. When the detective lowers the bullhorn, his voice sounds like it is still being amplified.