Audio problem: After the "Off to See the World" part, it shows Klaus and Claudia in the pool. The waiter tells Claudia that there's a long distance phone call for her from Europe. "Wonderful!" Claudia says, and she slides off her raft and while she makes her way out of the pool, accidentally drops water on Sophie. The dog freaks out, trying to paw the water off her and Klaus snickers at her. After the shot of snickering Klaus, it shows Sophie turning her head towards Claudia and you could hear her bark. However, she does not move her mouth as if she's barking and the barking noise sounds quite perky.

Audio problem: On the moon, Superman smashes Nuclear Man's head against his knee. The clonk is heard before the hit (even forgetting that sound can't be heard on the moon).

Audio problem: When trying to steel the BET, Serpentor fllies in close and Duke grabs onto his glider. The sounds of TIE Fighters are used for Serpentor's glider. You can even hear Darth Vader breathing for a moment. (00:15:45)