Audio problem: Near the end when Drake is playing Hollywood Girl and gets into the bridge (the steady drum beat part) you can obviously tell he's mouthing the words.

Audio problem: In "What I've Been Looking For", when Sharpay sings the last verse the first time around, listen closely as Ryan takes away the microphone. Her voice remains the same volume, and does not get any quieter as Ryan pulls away the microphone.

Audio problem: In the shot where the kids are locked in the police car, banging on the windows yelling at the policemen, their cries are muffled as if the car was totally closed up. As the camera zooms in, you can see the front driver's side window is open so the kids' voices should be much clearer.

Audio problem: When Jon and Liz are in the hotel room just after the animals make and eat lasagna, Liz giggles. However her mouth doesn't move to indicate that she giggles, proving that it was added in later. (00:48:40)

Audio problem: When Scott is making a distraction, he says, "Well, this show stinks." But his mouth is saying, "Well, this show sucks." Done in order to keep the G rating, I presume.

Audio problem: Everybody knows that waterfalls are very loud. However, in the scene at Hakoni Falls, which is completely surrounded by waterfalls, it's silent as a tomb.

Audio problem: When Hilary Duff is in prison with the three ladies, she asks for something grainy to remove the make-up the women are wearing. The large lady says that she has an "egg roll or bagel in the bar" and to just give her a minute. But if you look closely at the lips, she says something else as to where the product is hidden.

Audio problem: When Dr. Grant is explaining the plan to Larraby, when Larraby says "Is that our only option?", his mouth doesn't move.

Audio problem: At one point Donna asks Charlie if he's okay and he says "I'm fine" but his lips are saying something else.

Audio problem: There are several times in the film when Brom and Eragon can be seen mouthing the words "he" and "him" when referring to Saphira. This is most obvious in the scene where they have fled from the Ra'zacs and get off their horses.

Audio problem: At the beginning of the song "It's Over", during the first chorus while Galleria leans her head against the pole of the bed, the words that she is singing, or lip-synching, are different than the words that can be heard. While she is mouthing "How COULD I let the sweetest." you can hear "How DID I let the sweetest."

Audio problem: You can tell that Tia is lip syncing in the final song ("Oh holy night") more so on the last few lines she closes her mouth before the song ends.

Audio problem: When the kid's dad and Santa are singing about believing in Santa their mouth movements do not match the music well.

Audio problem: After reaching Alpine via the Gornicke bus, when Bob says, "Some of my behavior on this trip might be misconstrued as an insult," Bob's mouth/jaw does not match most of his words. (01:25:10)

Audio problem: When Brad's team is taking ground balls, he is hitting with a wood bat but it is making a metal bat sound.

Audio problem: Near the end of the movie Mullet Fingers is making a final attempt to get the construction to stop. At one point he says "dang" but his mouth says "damn".

Audio problem: After Brian and Mary put their packages into six side-by-side (horizontal) lockers, Brian closed five doors then his hand was too far away (and the door off-screen) to be closing the sixth one yet the sound of it slamming shut was made. (00:32:05)