Trivia: At the beginning, right after Christian sings the 'hills are alive' line, the unconscious Argentinian says something about him having lots of talent, and 'happens' to put his hand on his crotch. Then later in the movie, when Satine is unbuttoning his pants when they are in the elephant for the first time, she calls him a 'big boy' and Toulouse says he has HUGE talent.

Trivia: In the scene of Missy's funeral, Stephen King plays the priest.

Trivia: The film held the record for highest-grossing Biblical movie for 48 years, until it was finally surpassed by "The Passion of the Christ" in 2004.

Trivia: The "MiG-28s" in the movie are actually all Northrop F-5E Tiger II's, an American plane used for training and sold to other countries. In reality, there is no MiG-28.

Trivia: Shortly after the film opened in theaters, Samuel Adams Green filed a lawsuit against the film makers. He did admit to having a relationship with Baekeland but has stated that he has never had sex with her son and was not bisexual. He also stated that he didn't believe that Barbara did have sex with her son. She only claimed that she did because she enjoyed shocking people.

Trivia: The scene where Tim approaches Harry at a tractor was filmed at the farm of NASCAR legend Junior Johnson.

Trivia: In the scene where Johnny and Baby practice dancing, and she keeps laughing when he runs his arm down hers, it was not part of the scene, she was actually laughing and his frustration was genuine. They left it in the movie because it was effective. Baby falling over in this scene was unplanned too.

Trivia: In Reservoir Dogs, Nice Guy Eddie arranges for Mr. Orange (Tim Roth) to be treated by a nurse he knows named Bonnie. In Pulp Fiction, Jimmy's wife is a nurse named Bonnie.

Trivia: Johnny Depp passes an old bald man with hippy glasses sitting down surrounded by women - this is author Hunter S. Thompson himself in a cameo.

Trivia: Renée Zellweger, Catherine Zeta-Jones, and Richard Gere all did their own dancing and singing.

Trivia: "West Side Story" was the first film to win the Best Picture Academy Award for two directors (Robert Wise and Jerome Robbins).

Trivia: Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon both did their own singing for the film.

Trivia: The Captain of the Iwo-Jima who Tom Hanks talks to at the end of the movie is the real Apollo 13 astronaut Jim Lovell.

Trivia: Part of the film was actually shot at the infamous Cabrini-Green housing projects. The crew had to pay off members of local street-gangs in order to maintain a peaceful shoot. (Although allegedly, one bullet was fired at a production vehicle during photography).

Trivia: Johnny Depp was unhappy about the fact that he spoke negatively about Darlene Cates (Mama) while he was in character as Gilbert; he would frequently and sincerely apologize to her between takes.

Trivia: George Lutz denounced this remake, stating that it was complete drivel.

Trivia: In the scene were Mercy claims to have stolen the coat because the cops are looking for somebody in a pink top, she actually had to wear the coat to cover a cast on her wrist which she broke while being pulled by Fox in the 96th street station chase just before Fox's sad departure.

Trivia: Although they play mother and son in this film, Bryce Dallas Howard is only eight years older than Taron Egerton.

Trivia: At one point, Heather Chandler asks Heather Duke, "Did you have a brain tumor for breakfast?" Ironically and tragically in real life, actress Kim Walker (Heather Chandler) died of a brain tumor in 2001.
Suggested correction: It could be argued that in the alternate reality of Top Gun the fictional "MiG-28" was an improved reverse-engineered F-5 (VPAF gave the Soviets access to ex-VNAF F-5:s for evaluation after the fall of Saigon) explaining their similarity.
This isn't a valid correction for a trivia entry. There is no mistake being suggested, just letting viewers with limited plane experience know MiG-28 isn't a real plane.