Trivia: In the scene where Johnny and Baby practice dancing, and she keeps laughing when he runs his arm down hers, it was not part of the scene, she was actually laughing and his frustration was genuine. They left it in the movie because it was effective. Baby falling over in this scene was unplanned too.

Trivia: Not really a mistake, given the need to maintain the story arc in the first half of the film, but in real life, Pyle would have been discharged from the Marine Corps within days of his starting basic training - for his own good. It happens all the time - dropout rate of boot camp recruits varies but is generally around 10%.

Trivia: Victoria Tennant hated the scene where her character was to be killed off so much that she refused to film it and walked off the set. The scene then had to be done by a stunt double.

Trivia: Andy Garcia was originally brought in to read for Frank Nitti, but he asked if he could play George Stone instead.

Trivia: In the scene after the plane lands in Wichita, Kansas, when the announcer comes over the loudspeaker look at the destination on the flight info display. It says "nowhere".

Trivia: When Jim returns home after losing his parents, his nanny slaps him. The actors had practiced a fake slap and fake reaction, but Spielberg and the actress playing the nanny conspired to make the slap real when the cameras were rolling, so Christian Bale's reaction would be genuine. Therefore, Bale is really being slapped, and his shocked reaction is no act.

Trivia: The role of Keith Nelson was written for Eric Stoltz.

Trivia: The opera that Glenn Close buys the tickets for is Madame Butterfly. That is the song she is listening to when we see the first signs that she is losing it. Note: At the end of Madame Butterfly the heroine kills herself over a lover. In the director's cut of Fatal Attraction Glenn Close cuts her throat in the bathroom of Michael Douglas' house thereby killing herself over a lover.

Trivia: The interior used for Joe and Kenneth's flat was the flat in Islington where Joe Orton and Kenneth Halliwell actually lived.

Trivia: The punch that Bull Hurley gave Hawk during the final match that made his nose bleed was real. Stallone told the guy to do it since he was the director but didn't give him a "cue point" in which to do it. Meaning Stallone never knew when it was going to happen so that his reaction would be authentic to the hit. Stallone stated that he took more punishment in trying to be authentic in this movie by taking actual hits such as this one and arm-wrestling professionals that were hired for the film, than he did in any of the Rocky movies.

Trivia: This film is based on Pentagon lawyer Adrian Cronauer's life as a DJ during the Vietnam War. He is worked in the Pentagon in its MIA/POW office until his death on July 18, 2018.

Trivia: Jack Nicholson appears in this film, although he was uncredited, and unpaid.

Trivia: At the dinner party, while somebody is recording with a camera, there a lady with blonde short hair, she is Concepcion Valenzuela, Ritchie Valens' real life mother.