Trivia: The Captain of the Iwo-Jima who Tom Hanks talks to at the end of the movie is the real Apollo 13 astronaut Jim Lovell.

Trivia: When Craig is talking to his girlfriend on the phone and she asks who he "went to the show with", you can see a guy lying in her bed in a pair of Dicky's pants.

Trivia: The sex scene between Joe Pesci and Sharon Stone was voted the worst movies sex scene of all time in an on-line poll.

Trivia: The girl that plays Samantha's little sister is Rumor Willis - the daughter of Demi Moore, who plays Older Samantha.

Trivia: James Cromwell was a long time vegetarian, but decided to become vegan after playing Hoggett in Babe.

Trivia: The personal bios of the characters are handed out in the order that they die in.

Trivia: In the scene near the end of the movie, there is a board meeting on the tarmac. The Chairman of the Board is Stephen King who is the author of The Langoliers. (02:10:15)

Trivia: Perhaps you're wondering what William Wallace shouts after delivering his speech just prior to the Battle of Stirling. It's "Alba gu brath," which means "Scotland forever."

Trivia: At least three actors in this film have been involved in other Pocahontas-related projects. Gordon Tootoosis also acted in Pocahontas: The Legend, while Irene Bedard and Christian Bale later appeared together in The New World.

Trivia: Ron Perlman doesn't speak French and was the only American on set. But he learned all of his lines, and delivered them without error.

Trivia: The most remembered line from "Waterworld," "Dryland is not a myth; I have seen it," is never spoken in the actual movie.

Trivia: The movie is loosely based on Sister Prejean's experiences with two real death row inmates, Robert Lee Willie and Elmo Patrick Sonnier. Both men were electrocuted. In the movie, however, Sean Penn's fictional character was killed by lethal injection--because the image of a man strapped down to be injected allows for all that Christ symbolism.

Trivia: Quentin Tarantino did uncredited script work on this film.

Trivia: General Haig says the line "I'm in charge here." The real Alexander Haig said this in 1981 as Ronald Reagan's Secretary of State, after Reagan had been shot.

Trivia: In the original cut, Angus' father was alive, living with the family and had a secret gay side. The filmmakers decided to abandon this subplot and reshot many of the at home sequences, establishing his mom as a widow and the grandpa looking after the family to help out.

Trivia: Just after Lucas tells Joe he's a 'superb manager', Joe drags him off to beat him up in his office. When he takes him into the back, you see a girl standing in the doorway. She is the same girl you see when Mark and AJ enter the store at the beginning. Her character was called Lily and she was cut out of the film. Her name is also still in the credits.

Trivia: The book's author, Joyce Maynard, makes a cameo as Suzanne's lawyer.

Trivia: The hooker that Stamphill brings in to see Hill is played by Kyra Sedgwick, who is married to Kevin Bacon.

Trivia: In the scene where Marianne, Eleanor, Lucy, and Mrs. Jennings enter Mrs. Jennings house in London for the second time, Marianne asks Pigeon if any letters had arrived, watch Lucy in the background, she is playing with the parrot on its perch and it tries to bite her.

Trivia: Dame Maggie Smith (Duchess of York) plays Sir Ian McKellen's (Richard III) mother in this movie - even though she is only five years older than him.