Other mistake: In the scene immediately after the locomotives that were trying to slow 777 get derailed and blow up, the next scene immediately shows Colson in the cab of his train exclaiming about the explosion which he sees just over the tree tops. Impossible. Colson's train is still miles away on the head on collision course with 777, and Colson could not possibly see this explosion, let alone as if it was just around the bend.

Other mistake: At the beginning when the lawman is cutting down Eastwood from tree in the background you can see a white vehicle driving along a road in the background.

Other mistake: During the big chase scene, a car hits a camera right after it passes a blue '68 GTO.

Other mistake: The chunk of hair that Ted has in the car is in a ponytail, and much longer than the hair cut off in the door.

Other mistake: In the scene following the robbery, the four young men, led by Tupac Shakur and Omar Epps, run into a brick court, walled on four sides. Shakur states he's going to keep the gun, despite suggestions that they ditch it. He has a revolver stuck in his jeans, by his left hip. When he is challenged about keeping the gun, he pulls another revolver from his pocket, scuffles with one of his friends and shoots him in the chest - all the while the grip of the other identical revolver is in view.
Suggested correction: It looked like old man Quilles' gun that he must've taken off-screen after he killed him.
If you look at the movie again, Quiles' gun was a long nose revolver, Raheem's gun was a snub nose.

Other mistake: In Wilson's Congressional office, the Texas flag on his left is mounted upside down. The white panel belongs on the top of the flag, not the bottom.

Other mistake: Every time somebody climbs to the attic in the "lake house", you see a small, dark, enclosed chamber with some abandoned stuff. However, as soon as you see the "lake house" from the outside, it is a single-level construction entirely made of glass, with no inside staircase or ladder, and three smaller glasshouses on the roof. There is not a single wooden panel to enclose the attic, nor any construction in the house that looks like it could be that attic.
Suggested correction: It's not a "dark, enclosed chamber"; it's a glass surround with part of the windows darkened, but others letting light in. The ladder is shown near the end of the movie (when he's putting the box of letters away) to fold up into a small space, and the "attic" is merely a small space, easily the height of the roof plus one of the glass bits you can see from outside the house.
After looking at many photos of the house, there is no space for the attic.

Other mistake: The video stream displayed in the night sky showing which tributes have died after the first day does not add up correctly. They display in district order. We see the start, the girl from three (so the boy is still alive), and the boy from four with no breaks. Then they break away to show Katniss and the control room, after which they continuously show the boy and girl from seven, the boy from eight (so the girl is still alive), the girl from nine (so the boy is still alive), and then fade to the end. We know that Foxface, the girl from five, dies later in the movie. Even if we assume that during the portion not shown, the girl from four, the boy from five, and both tributes from six are dead, that's only a total of ten. Thirteen are supposed to be dead at that point in the movie. (01:16:20)

Other mistake: In the music within the ending credits, the lyrics incorrectly state that Raph is the leader of the group when all Turtle fans past and present know it is Leo.

Other mistake: At the end of the first movie Rybak is a Chief (E7), and he is a retired Lieutenant (O3) during this movie. Assuming he got commissioned to Ensign (O1) immediately after the events of Under Siege, it would take a minimum of 42 months to be promoted to Lieutenant. This movie takes place within 4 years of the first movie, because Admiral Bates is still the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The picture of Rybak in his Lieutenant uniform is at least 5 years old according to his niece. None of these timelines make sense for the rank he is in the movie.

Other mistake: After the crash landing in the desert, when the astronauts are preparing to head out on foot, Brubaker states that he will continue west, then tells Walker to go north, and Willis to go south. Brubaker heads out straight ahead, Walker goes to the left, and Willis to the right, meaning that Walker was actually going south, and Willis to the north. (01:04:40)

Other mistake: When the slaves are getting into the Portuguese ship (the "Tecora"), the crew shouts in clear Spanish (some Spaniard and some Mexican accent) rather than the expected Portuguese. (01:18:10)

Other mistake: When in the tub in Arkansas, Wyatt is bare chested. In bed with Josie he's suddenly sprouted a lush garden of chest hair.

Other mistake: The movie starts in September 1961 and we are told that the talent show is in June. During the talent show there's a big banner saying 1961 when it should read 1962.

Other mistake: In the Darkstar takeoff sequence, there is a cockpit shot where Maverick looks back after passing over the Admiral, then looks forward into the cockpit. You can see that the landing gear handle is still in the "down" position and the 3 "gear down and locked" lights are illuminated. At this point in the flight the gear has already been retracted (confirmed visually in the previous external shot).

Other mistake: When Vlad is in the armory of the monastery, he is standing directly under sunlight. This should have caused his skin to burn immediately and give away that he's a vampire. (00:52:05)

Other mistake: When Rocco taunts the Russians he is punched in the face, yet he continues talking in a steady tone, and finishes his joke while falling into the bar. (00:20:39)

Other mistake: When Robert the Bruce returns to the battlefield at Falkirk, there are 2 children supposedly crying over a loved one. If you look at the blonde girl she is actually laughing. (02:12:00)

Other mistake: When Connie Nielsen is driving the Hummer (with John as the passenger), the steering wheel doesn't move, but her hands do.

Other mistake: When Madison is giving a cello concert at her house, there is vibrato in the music that she doesn't do while playing. In the music, there are low notes on the C and G strings, but she only fingers on the A string, and sometimes she forgets to move the bow while playing.